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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Nah, everyone know what I mean when I say West. As in Western civilization and culture.
  2. If you cherrypick the stats then yes data like food prices and ease of starting a business mostly apply to the West. Data like youth literacy, global labor productivity, free press (sore subject for you), world GDP in tourism, cancer rates, polio vaccinations, extreme poverty dropping etc. mostly apply to the whole world.
  3. None of those 40 stats can be applied to EVERY country obviously we're not talking about child soldiers in the Congo. This applies to most of the world.
  4. According to what data? https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2017/09/06/547820236/grocery-prices-have-been-falling-did-you-notice Also dropped since 2017.
  5. Yea most people don't even put their TVs in low input lag GAME mode I guess casuals don't care I can't deal with high input lags even in single player games it's too annoying and distracting
  6. I've been going around reading reactions to this research on twitter and other places and it's amazing how pessimists react to shit like this. Especially people that have used their pessimism to fuel a particular political ideology.
  7. I can't deal with latency and input lag of streaming games I don't know how they're going to get around that
  8. Team sport BS. The country needs both sides in constant conflict otherwise you get open borders, communism and SJWs running amok because liberals don't have enough balls to keep their own extremists in check. As much as the GOP sucks conservatism is still much needed.
  9. Wasn't hard I'm not a republican lol
  10. You've been hanging out with some dumb Republicans then. All my Republican friends love Trump and are fully aware he's dumb as shit
  11. This is nonsense babble real politician doesn't mean anything. Yes Obama had more integrity and good intentions but he ended up digging the country into the same nationalist ditch as the rest of the West, and got played by Putin like a fiddle. I don't like Obama so I'm a white trash racist? Fuck outta here with that 5th grade logic
  12. Yea well you can make an argument that Obama was a clown too in his own way, paving the way to nationalist populism by catering to and empowering the far left How about we get someone moderate and non ideological next time
  13. https://humanprogress.org/article.php?p=631 More people than ever own a personal computer In just over a decade, it has become substantially easier to start a business More people than ever have access to sound money For children aged 7 and under, the expected average years of schooling has never been higher Global coal consumption is trending downward, thus easing CO2 emissions Chlorofluorocarbon consumption has reached an all-time low Wheat yields for U.S. agriculture have never been higher Internet access in schools has substantially in
  14. Wasnt sure first but after that promo and some new pics Digging the look
  15. Would still be a better country than Russian if there was a 1000 Georgians left in a small ditch. Fuck outta here
  16. I'm not talking about the leadership I'm talking about the mass populace if you remove the leadership
  17. I agree but my point is even if there was a clear Geo political incentive the US wouldn't meddle with NK it's too violotile. Especially in a post Iraq war climate. And China's influence over NK is vastly overstated, outside of some economic dependence they're no pawn they're an atonomous dictatorship with nuclear power.
  18. What I mean is look at what happened to Middle Eastern dictatorships after a dictator was removed. There's a vacuum in power that either gets taken over by extremist populists or worse by terrorists. Nobody can predict what will happen in NK if the government is eliminated, they're a cult like state of almost religious worship of their leaders. Even if you're being generous and say only half of the population buy into the cult of the Kim family you're going to have like 15 million North Koreans pissed off at the West for killing their god. Will most likely result in some type of a
  19. Not even gonna attempt to decipher what you just said. You anecdotal experiences with broken women are really helpful in this discussion.
  20. The Georgian name for my country is sakartvelo. And my children are most likely going to be born in America and raised in Georgia. Not that it's any of your business. And no half the businesses are not owned by Turks you're just making shit up now.
  21. No it isn't fair. Is his father supposed to be some kind of martyr and get slaughtered by his own dictator? Pre fight press conferences are no place to bring this sort of shit up especially without understanding the context properly. Regardless McTapper got fucking dismantled in this fight, it was a complete domination by Khabib. He got exposed for the all talk gassed out snake oil salesman he is. Back to boxing senior citizens and peddling shitty whiskey.
  22. Actually I intend to raise my children in Georgia until college so that they have both sides of the culture. They can decide where they wanna be after. You don't know shit about me or my country you're Putin's little internet trollbot toolbag don't talk to me about keyboard warriors faggot
  23. This whole sentence is a grammatical holocaust stop bragging about your intelligence lmao
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