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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Are these guys always drunk when they make review videos? I don’t think I e ever seen a review with the guy on the right where he wasnt wasted. Just look at their eyes the skinnier guy with the beard in other videos is the only one who’s sober most of the time.
  2. I hate when sites give out honorable mentions. Shit has always been a pet peeve of mine and makes me cringe. Either commit to a nomination list or don’t. but i agree with death stranding
  3. This shit is still not out? Holy fuck. I played the last one like 14 years ago on ps2 when it was still called raw danger. they announced this, then the developer folded and it got canceled, then it came back and then it disappeared for years and I guess now it’s finally coming out. their last 2 games when they were still irem, before they closed were steambot chronicles 2, and this. They decided to revive this project but I always wished it was SC2 insteaed
  4. I honestly don’t see any similarities even trying to force myself to try. Just a typical piano and opera singer theme.
  5. I don’t think I’ve ever played an srpg where this wasn’t the case. The whole appeal of the genre is having like 30-40 long important battles rather than 1000 random battles that over in a min. Vc is actually probably the most accessible srpg there is. Stuff like tactics ogre or final fantasy tactics are even worse and more complex involving your issues with vc unless you bring in recent western srpgs which I’m completely unfamiliar with.
  6. to be fair times are either crazier now, or parents are too overly protective. My parents said when they were young they used to walk miles alone with their friends and go to the theatre, go to the park. When I was young I used to do the sane. Nowadays I know parents who won’t let there kids leave the front of there house. there was a study that every generation the distance they allow there kids to travel with their friends is diminished
  7. I had one too hagaha. It was unactivated and I just carried it to look cool and look at the time. The cringey loser stuff people did when they were younger haha i hated the internet back then because it was slow, used up the phone line and my moms and brother would always bitch for me to get off so they could use the phone. and yeah you’re right at the end/beginning of the century nobody used the internet. What a crazy ass time that’ll never happen again. I enjoy the internet but at the same time I’m glad I grew up in a time where it didn’t exist. These days kids are bo
  8. Yeah pretty much. I’m glad I made it through high school without social media or even cell phones even being a thing. At most dumbasees had pagers.
  9. So then make multiple saves. Usually when things are going good, and before making crucial decisions. Honestly man I’ve played all 4 and they’re all very easy to where this never happened to me even in those hour long battles. I mean that goes for almost all srpgs I’ve ever played but it’s so rare To where I’m in so deep that I have to restart the entire battle again. Usually In those rare ocasions I reload a previous save midway and try a completely new strat and win easily.
  10. Yeah literally it’s the exact same. I was kind of shocked how much vc4 did absolutely nothing to advance the series in anyway. and I disagree I find them to be major now. After 12 years and 3 sequels, the core gameplay hasn’t evolved at all and it just feels old and lazy. I don’t think minor adjustments is enough. That would have been fine for 2 or even 3, but a 5th game has to bring a lot more to the table. What was a new and fun concept has already been driven into the ground with several low effort sequels.
  11. I like that I don’t have to wait 5 mins for a webpage to load, or having to restart my pc because it performed an illegal operation
  12. This your first vc? Literally everything you said has been there since 1. If they haven’t changed it now, I doubt they’re going to change anything. Well, 2, and 3 had smaller maps which made shock troopers more useful, but then that made scouts pointless. the series just needs a complete overhaul
  13. Has become? That place since gs has always been a place for cucks and fart sniffers. It’s like resetera-lite
  14. It was Nsoldiers Bad heart if I remember right. That makes me wonder now. I remember someone brought it up in an argument and they were way out of line for mentioning that. He could be kind of a douche sometimes but yeah you don’t do that. id forgotten bout manics death. Damn. and yeah I talked to her on the phone. She has like 5 kids but half of them are her husbands from a previous marriage. She stills plays games with her kids when she has time and is hyped for ffvii remake. No surprise there
  15. which one? Yellow_rose, smooth hands or jamms? yellow rose used to call everyone kid. Snoothhands was pretty cool but she got married and pregnant and gave up Internet forums. I talked to her like a year ago. She has a big family now. I still feel bad about cube. Sometimes I wonder if some people you don’t see anymore have died or something and we don’t know about it.
  16. Nah I was here at that time and both communities have never jived well. I remember it was me, GD, Javier, Wasim, Nsoldier, mc_reload, kwamejackson, teh_sexy, cubeaholic, and a few more others that I can’t remember their names anymore
  17. What else is there? sephiroth has mommy issues with jenova aeris dies cid beats his wife shinra expirements with people a comet comes down and kills everyone. The end. That’s all I remember. meh I prefer fft story but to each there own. I’m drunk too btw
  18. Yeah it’s nothing compared to some guy having amnesia and finding out all his memories belong to another guy that died before the start of the game. Oscar caliber writing there
  19. I remember picking up mgs3 and vtm bloodlines from Best Buy that November 2004. If only I knew what I was in store for
  20. You’re right, it wasn’t. It was Xenogears, Vagrant story or final fantasy tactics.
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