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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Im playing Narita Boy on Xbox MH Rise on Switch AOE 2 definitive edition on PC
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/mar/12/academics-french-republic-macron-islamo-leftism Islamo wokeism.. actually a good name for it.
  3. Yeah ok, it's like this stuff doesn't actually happen now?
  4. I really hope the woke brigade doesn't ruin GTA6.. replaying 5 there's no way they could release a game like this in 2021 😢
  5. https://reason.com/2021/04/07/microaggressions-uva-student-kieran-bhattacharya-threat/ These stories are becoming far too normal. Free speech is dead.
  6. I'm looking forward to the next gen patch
  7. I was about to buy it for Xbox too
  8. Yeah I was beginning to notice they really lack variety. It's all 3rd person action adventure.
  9. Yeah I don't think it takes much to make a 99 year old die.
  10. They probably shouldn't have done that interview. They are 2 of the most privileged people on the planet. Racism she claims but then won't say who so it makes them all look bad. They should have stayed in the UK or Canada
  11. He's getting the hang of it. It's probably the most accessible shooter for a kid. Auto aim and no jumping
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