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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Your inconvenience is less important than the physical safety of kids or whoever else gets shot up.
  2. I can't shoot you in the face with my mouth. Listen, I'm a gun owner, I've got more than 10 guns. But not everyone should have them. Not everyone should drive a car either, that's why there are road tests and licensing. It's fucking common sense. Why can't I have a nuke to protect myself!?
  3. Lol. Fortunately the intersections communists are terrible at fighting.
  4. Too many stupid Americans own guns. It's a shame your constitution makes it a right to own guns. it should be a privilege not a right. The British aren't coming back.
  5. Cooke


    Lol Vancouver rappers
  6. Financial Post: BlackBerry CEO declares turnaround complete as company posts year-over-year growth. https://business.financialpost.com/technology/blackberry-ceo-declares-turnaround-complete-as-company-posts-year-over-year-growth No more phone hardware wearing us down. We just do software. Connected cars, autonomous vehicles, enterprise security, phone software etc. yay us!
  7. Of the 3,605 homeless people counted in the region this March, 2,573 were living in shelters (1,601 in Vancouver) and 1,032 were either on the street or residing in a vehicle (537 in Vancouver). It's a 30 per cent increase over statistics collected in Metro's last count in 2014.Apr 10, 2017
  8. do 3ds game still have the 3d effect or did developers give up on that?
  9. What games are those! Sign me up!!
  10. I don't care who's the lead. I'm fine with whoever, I don't know much about this game but it appears none of the playable characters are white and male which is odd considering who xboxs primary audience is.
  11. so the majority of people who bought crackdown aren't represented in the game because of diversity? lol
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