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Posts posted by Cooke

  1. 3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    You can do that without resorting to petty rhetoric.


    Let's be quite clear: you are clearly insinuating that this racist right-wing stuff isn't true.


    Have you provided any evidence to support your claim? No.


    Instead you seem to spend more time and effort trying to laugh it off, then you have trying to promote a sensible argument. That's a sign that you are engaging in tribalism.

    I have insinuated no such thing. Of course this is right wing. I share no values with right wing ideologues. I believe in common ground between left and right.


    I don't believe in the "call out culture" of the left nor do I believe in the scare tactics and fear mongering of the right. 


    I believe all people are equal, everyone should get a fair chance, no one should be given special treatment no matter how ancestors were treated. We will never get past our issues of the past if they are continually trodden out in front of us. It simply creates new resentment generation after generation. With that resentment leads to counter resentment and viola we have president doofus drumph. 


  2. 19 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    No.  Seeing you come in here and try to get me on "zingers".......immediately calling back previous explainations of alt-right signals (the hand sign), and seeing your rhetoric become sharper and sharper, like as if you are getting madder..........THATS what makes you look like you are immersed in tribalism.


    You really want to "get" the "other side." Its palpable.

    Yeah I wanna "get" their reasoning for being so fucking tribalistic. 

  3. 25 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Have those black people explained whether or not those Republicans have policies or promote things that do affect black people?


    If they can't give you a straight answer, then they are purposely choosing to ignore those issues. That is what discredits them.


    Same would apply to you.


    The problem with your statement is.............liberals aren't STOPPING you from being that type of person.......but they WILL HIGHLIGHT the ridiculousness of it.


    Dude...........you are COMPLETELY immersed in tribalism, especially with that last statement of yours.

    Calling out tribalism doesn't make me immersed in tribalism. I'm tired of people on the left telling me how i should behave based on my "identity". How does this make me immersed in tribalism. I despise the very notion of it. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    :tom: you can literally hear the whoosh.


    I love how you are picking up your talking points from the alt-right, wholesale.


    Its amazing, because people call me plenty of things, many times over........and I never become those things.


    Guess I'm not that weak.

    Im glad you arent that weak. unfortunately (particularly in america) people are weak. 


    Why do white people call black people that run as republicans or don't tow party lines as uncle toms?


    Ive actually been called a gay uncle tom because I don't follow the typical gay stereotype.  See how racist and intolerant of different opinions the left has become? Its all group think or you're a fucking racist or an uncle tom or a race traitor or some other bullshit line. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    I love how you are trying to find something to get back at "da libruls".


    And this was the best you could come up with. Its funny seeing you fall into tribalism.

    I want to abolish tribalism. The left fucking jerks off to it. 

    If you call a group a racist enough times they become racists. When will you ever get this? I swear the left wants to be its own worst enemy just for the lulz. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    So your argument is based on "maybes"


    How many mass killings took place directly after someone bought a gun ? Honest question .


    Also let's remember buying a gun at a store is not the only way to get a gun. 

    I don't know the answer to that. BUT logically speaking it would make a difference, no matter how small, some prevention of murder must be worth inconveniencing gun buyers right?  Is ease of purchase really more important than possibly preventing the death of some school kids? It's more difficult to get a drivers license than buying a weapon. Do you not see something wrong with that? 

  7. Just now, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    I think healthcare is also a significant reducer of these types of incidents.  If you can afford to get checked out, then it's more likely mental issues will be caught early, before they manifest into these types of actions. 


    I was trying to get this kind of answer out of Slow Johnny.  I guess that was expecting too much. :] 

    Yes american healthcare plays a role. Its ok to have public roads, firemen, police, schools, but health (the most important thing) is a big no no? ive never understood this mentality.. but hey, America still uses the imperial measurement system. Its like they enjoy being contrary to everyone else just for the lulz. 

  8. 21 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    Let's try again: go ahead and give me the reason(s) why all the other first world countries don't have this problem.

    I can tell you why


    Better gun regulation and stricter rules. Guns do not need to be outlawed but they need to be more difficult to obtain so you cant just buy one on a whim and go on a shooting rampage. Also better public education in every other first world country. Home schooling? lmao that should be outlawed


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