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Sony skipping E3 again CONFIRMED

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Huge mistake to miss E3 when your new console is launching this year imo

Agreed.   We needed one last "Next gen PS vs Xbox" E3 console battle

I don’t get why they want to risk doing something that can backfire badly in a console launch year. If they really have to skip e3, mid gen would be the best time to shift away from it imo.

4 minutes ago, Delita said:

I miss the days of Jack tretton. He basically made PlayStation back into the powerhouse it is today after the abysmal years of PS3. He always delivered E3 shows that were hype as fuck. Then after he left and Shawn layden stepped up their e3 presence became mediocre. Wtf were they thinking with that whole flute guy bullshit. Of course they don’t want to go back to e3 after that pathetic display.


i don’t like the idea of not going to e3 and doing your own thing where you can control the entire narrative. You bring and show what you have to the world rather than some bullshit online Nintendo direct style show

jack was awesome! i agree with this post. 

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57 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

Honestly Nintendo proved freaking directs work like a charm in this day and age.

Nintendo directs work... because things like E3 still exist and people have it to look forward to because Nintendo does one every E3..


We know generally what month and dates E3 is on every single year, so we have a big thing to look forward to.  With these Direct type things, sure we have a general sense... but then can really be whenever.. and there's not really a big thing to look forward to.


Honestly... the idea of PS directs to me isn't as appealing.  Sony's reveals are great because of the huge crowd reactions.  Unless they actually have their own PS conference every year at some point... that's cool... but if not... I'd definitely miss seeing them on a stage.


The entire game is changing bros.  From console generations and mid gen consoles, to marketing and user engagement.  The old way is dying.  Kinda sad. :( 

Edited by Remij_
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46 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

You'll still get the exact same conference just at a Sony event. Who cares.

A live conference is for the Steve Jobs' type of executives. Its for pompous executives who want to feed their ego. The only other reason to do them is because they are a publicly traded company, and they want to make an announcement that has stock market implications. All of their shareholders need to know this information at the same time.


When introducing a new gaming console, its purely about marketing. And live conferences are just not the best way to do that.


Live conferences are slow, and dull. And why would you show footage of a video game off-screen? We're the ones watching the live-stream telling them they need to show the game trailer on full-screen.


Now think about the game journalists. IGN, Gamespot, and in situations like these, Sony wants USA Today, New York Times to cover this as well.


Because they want news articles to go up the same hour as the announcement, they should just give these news outlets the promotional screens and video clips, and give the journalists a personal demo from Mark Cerny the day before, so that the journalists have their articles written and ready to release.


What type of article can they rush and write if they are sitting in the auditorium looking at an gaming console from a hundred feet away? Its antiquated.

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E3 is basically dead anyway. Aren't they "rebranding" this year to focus more on gamers and influencers as opposed to have it be a media/news thing?


e3 used to be dope back in the day. i remember coming home from high school during those three days and having so many new games and footage to check out. now everything is already announced beforehand and you just get some shitty not-in game trailers. like it's just one long advertisement and not even news for the most part. 

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Still funny how the year that MS moved from the E3 venue to the MS theater and it was doom and gloom.  MS was dead... not showing up at the biggest gaming event of the year!!  And then the next year Sony announces they wont be at E3, and everyone's like "Well E3's dying anyway" "yea it's better for them to do their own thing" ect ect :tom: 

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Last year did nothing but encourage them to skip it again. Not to mention after the gigantic leak I expect many ppl to refuse to go this year also. It's also rebranding to be more influencer focused. I agree that I miss what it use to be but it simply isn't that anymore. I just wish Sony would do a PSX event again. 

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1 hour ago, Remij_ said:

Still funny how the year that MS moved from the E3 venue to the MS theater and it was doom and gloom.  MS was dead... not showing up at the biggest gaming event of the year!!  And then the next year Sony announces they wont be at E3, and everyone's like "Well E3's dying anyway" "yea it's better for them to do their own thing" ect ect :tom: 

Cows are a joke LMAO

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Regarding the tweet in the OP.. it now seems as if Zhuge was speaking about himself possibly hearing more about this today, and not that Sony would release an official statement today to the public.. which is why we probably haven't heard anything yet.

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  • Remij changed the title to Sony skipping E3 again CONFIRMED

It's a bummer that E3 took the massive shit it did. ESA dug their own grave and Sony just put the nails in the coffin. Only reason Microsoft continues to show up is because Phil Spencer is an ESA board member.

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1 minute ago, lynux3 said:

It's a bummer that E3 took the massive shit it did. ESA dug their own grave and Sony just put the nails in the coffin. Only reason Microsoft continues to show up is because Phil Spencer is an ESA board member.

MS competing with no one and still losing :mj:

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I remember when I was at E3 in 2018, and most of the sony booth was actually just a empty space with a screen at the end, and they just played trailers for upcoming games while a ton of people just sat/stood around and watched. That was a sign of things to come for sure.

Edited by Twinblade
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6 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

MS competing with no one and still losing :mj:

Nintendo is still there.


Honest question.. outside of E3.. what does Nintendo do to get people hands-on time with their upcoming games?  Maybe I'm drawing a blank.. but I can't really remember any other events that they really go hard on.


If E3 dies.. Nintendo will have to start doing their own events too.

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Just now, Remij_ said:

Nintendo is still there.


Honest question.. outside of E3.. what does Nintendo do to get people hands-on time with their upcoming games?  Maybe I'm drawing a blank.. but I can't really remember any other events that they really go hard on.


If E3 dies.. Nintendo will have to start doing their own events too.

While Nintendo still has a large presence on the show floor, they don't do conferences anymore and just rely on their directs. Thats still disappointing.

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