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1 hour ago, kokujin said:

I really missed something?


Have I been too racist, alphonse? I know I use my blackness as a nice thick ass double standard shield. 

Also leaking people's info? That's really wack. I had Micky try to do that.  And Chimp do that.  That should be a ban too.


I do hope you're first kicking/warning people for race baiting though. Then banning them. Why can't we be adults though? the OT topics are also some crap people like.  If people want gaming discussions, ,they're free to make it.  Anywho, good luck making everyone happy.  .. All Lives matter.  :(

lol This psychopath lying that I ever "leaked" any of his information. I have never known or sought any of your personal information, bitch. I dont know your name, or even what country you live in. I have never moderated any of your post before, all I've done is put you in your place when it's needed. My entire time here I've called out any attempt at reaching outside of the forum. I called out Ghostz back when he was harrasing Eternity on social media, and Saucer when he did it to Jerry.  As evil as you are,  I would call out someone for doing that to you. 


You seriously need a therapist. 

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Also, Jerry is actively trying to recruit others to other forums. 

No one is going to follow jehurey 

I placed him under content moderation. This will be the fate of everyone that brakes the rules, followed by a ban if they continue. 

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you got drunk and posted my middle name in the thread title you sorry jackass. 40 year old internet bully needs a therapist. if you don't like anyone, why post here? just leave, chimp.

Edited by kokujin
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3 minutes ago, kokujin said:

you got drunk and posted my middle name in the thread title you sorry jackass. 40 year old internet bully needs a therapist. if you don't like anyone, why post here? just leave, chimp.

Lmao his drunk ass challenged me to a fight yesterday the backed down before I even responded. He needs to lay off the dark liquor 

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8 minutes ago, kokujin said:

you got drunk and posted my middle name in the thread title you sorry jackass. 40 year old internet bully needs a therapist. if you don't like anyone, why post here? just leave, chimp.

1. I dont get drunk. 

2. I dont know any of your names. I dont even know your initials. I dont know anyone's names on this site. I have never lied on here about anything. I left this site 5 years ago and nothing like  this ever happened. Magically I come back and there's this time I posted your name?  I'm not going to derail this thread or anything but you seriously need help. Evidenced by your blackout moments on here and constant need of forum affection when your life falls apart. 

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9 minutes ago, ghostz said:

Lmao his drunk ass challenged me to a fight yesterday the backed down before I even responded. He needs to lay off the dark liquor 

How did I back down? I mentioned in an unrelated post that there was a curfew in NYC when they sent a text alert. Let's not forget you're the one who chickened out of a fight before and was too afraid to meet Spicoli to man up. lol Ghostz trying to make a friend. 

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11 minutes ago, ghostz said:

Lmao his drunk ass challenged me to a fight yesterday the backed down before I even responded. He needs to lay off the dark liquor 

lmfao he says he doesnt know what country I live in. Is he so drunk he sometimes thinks I'm not Low?  :deadkoolaid:


I remember years back you two were trading picures to each other about to meet on the block. He's a deranged loner. 

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4 minutes ago, Liquid said:

How did I back down? I mentioned in an unrelated post that there was a curfew in NYC when they sent a text alert. Let's not forget you're the one who chickened out of a fight before and was too afraid to meet Spicoli to man up. lol Ghostz trying to make a friend. 

*come fight me so you can get knocked out*
VERY NEXT POST *ah shit, it’s curfew in a few minutes*

thennnnn “bu bu imma not fight u during quarantine”


bitch wtf is a Curfew if there is quarantine? That means all day is the curfew. You didn’t want the smoke, and still don’t. Not to mention you’re 5’6 120lbs lmfao. 

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2 minutes ago, kokujin said:

lmfao he says he doesnt know what country I live in. Is he so drunk he sometimes thinks I'm not Low?  :deadkoolaid:


I remember years back you two were trading picures to each other about to meet on the block. He's a deranged loner. 

Wasnt your life plan to move to Japan?  How am I supposed to know if that happened? 

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you're not as daft as you try to pretend. I know you use all your wit to talk shit and appear tough. "come fight me."  "oh wait curfew," is a calculated pussy tactic. I don't put that behind you.

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1 minute ago, kokujin said:

he's commented on my relationship(s) too. and something about treatment or getting in trouble with the law 1.5 years back.  :D nosier than a jew.

You were crying about how your girl left you in the forum chat, genius. 

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2 minutes ago, kokujin said:

you're not as daft as you try to pretend. I know you use all your wit to talk shit and appear tough. "come fight me."  "oh wait curfew," is a calculated pussy tactic. I don't put that behind you.

He then said...



:D the two sentences completely contradict each other. This fool is drunk as a skunk 

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Just now, jehurey said:

take a look at the posters who immediately got mad and reacted at this notice.


those are the ones that know that they're guilty of this.

You mean....how you got mad and tried to recruit others to another forum? :tom:

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Just now, ghostz said:

You mean....how you got mad and tried to recruit others to another forum? :tom:

Wow, he's now trying to derail this thread, as well.


@Alphonse if you're noticing, the real problem--people keep on thinking that I'm saying this like as a casual response--but the real problem on this forum are people who have developed e-grudges and THEY CAN NO LONGER FUNCTION as normal posters because they are permanently in a state of butthurt.


Take the thread that Saucer was in. We were talking about China. I came in and made a post in which I talked about China. A very long post about China.


Saucer immediately acts like he had catnip and suddenly wants to talk about me.............he can NO LONGER FUNCTION. He can't help himself. He derailed the entire thread.


Ghost has clearly become the same way. He can't function.


I make fun of these people because of subjects on the forum like bashing Xbox, iPhone vs Android, or politics. They get so mad because of how I bash iPhones, or how I bash Xbox..........that they are trying to get back at me by TALKING ABOUT MY RACE, or TALKING ABOUT MY FAMILY, or TALKING ABOUT MY PERSONAL LIFE.


This is pent-up butthurt. Years and years of pent-up butthurt. To the point where they can't function.


If a person gets so angry about how I made fun of their gaming console, or your phone, to the point where you want to get back at me by talking about me on a personal level, and instigate race arguments, or talk about my personal life....then that person is losing their ability to function like a normal forum poster. They're broken.

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