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FFXVI = Starfield > Spiderman > Zelda

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Probably will be solid but it's not a FF game.


Bethesda trash.


Arkham City feat. Spider-Man Part 2 with Special Guest Appearance by Spider-Man #2.


Overpriced, glorified Expansion.

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Well, Zelda is already out and proven itself as one of the best 10 games ever made, imo. It's a known quantity. Hard to imagine any of those games surpassing it. If I had to guess:


Spiderman - No chance really. Don't see this as having the potential to be anything more than a "really good" game. Just not something that's possible within the confines of what they're doing. It'll be a really polished and good one of those but honestly isn't even in the same conversation as the other 3 when it comes to the ceiling of what it can be.


FFXVI - We have a demo for this one so we at least have some actual idea of how it feels, and it feels great. Based on what I've played/seen I think this can easily come in at the 90-94 range. Again, I think some things will just naturally hold it back from reaching that ceiling of what Zelda did. I can easily see this being considered a modern JRPG masterpiece but I think it'll be held back a bit by the more action oriented and linear modern approach. Especially when compared to FF7R and with FF7R2 being on the horizon.


Starfield - I think if we're being honest this is the only one that could, in a perfect world, match or surpass what Zelda did. The direct looked great and it certainly has potential. Seems like it's Skyrim in space with much more scope, but it also doesn't seem to be doing much "new" otherwise. I think that's fine, and I've always said refinement of a great formula is just as good (usually better) than innovation. My hesitation here is that it's Bethesda (and MS by extension) and I find it hard to buy in to them delivering on something of that scope. 1000 planets also sounds good as a bullet point but what that means is a ton of procedurally generated content which is just never going to match handcrafted content.



So, if I'm a betting man, my tiers would be:



Zelda:TOTK - Landmark title and one of the best of all time - GOTY




FFXVI - Modern JRPG Masterpiece, graphical powerhouse, great combat system/story. Somewhat offensive to JRPG traditionalists.




Starfield - Great game with the freedom we've come to expect from Bethesda games but also the bugs/jank we've come to expect from Bethesda games. A bit too ambitious for its own good, uneven content in terms of quality with too many planets for its own good. Tons of potential to be unlocked by the modding community.




Spiderman - generic superhero game who gives a shit.

Edited by Casual
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On 2023-06-18 at 8:12 PM, Remij said:

Well, if you ask some cows the FF16 demo itself is already GOTY contender :D 

I know some of those in real life :cruise:

On 2023-06-18 at 8:17 PM, madmaltese said:

and if you ask some lemmings the Starfield showcase already makes it one of the best Games ever made :ben:

when you have no games a good showcase goes a long way :cruise:

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