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super official photo album part 3 (and drug/food/)

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^ meanwhile you have 63,461 posts, and they're all like this --  :D


You bully forum strangers during work. Go ask your co-workers to shit on the floor so you have something to do. 


Edited by ローsann
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Can one see who neg reps?

not only on my dick but i cant even -rep someone without you trying to give me attention   i know you never knew your dad and i can fuck your mother as i choose, but i have no interest in your chimp

Oh teh ironing. I haven't posted in weeks and I come in here and you are still crying about me. Xelle post a pic wearing a kids toy and your coon ass is doing a fried chicken dance like you j

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Lol ugly ****a spiting on the world. Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2


walk off a cliff. who stripped you of your joy?  :[  :laff:


lol Those ****as living like kings compared to your grizzle faced ass. True joy is walking into a bar and being able to converse with  chicks not paid to talk to you. :pavarotti:



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^ then we get this sad nigga, who will quote and LMFAO any post against me, to try to make me feel worse than he does.



Still not on Chimp's level of sad desperate hate but let's not pretend you're not here to lick some wounds, from some dude you've never met & will never meet online. 



How much sadder does it get.  :mickey:



Guess someone's (definitely not me) happy forum misery is keeping you both from killing yourselves.  :kaz:



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^ then we get this sad nigga, who will quote and LMFAO any post against me, to try to make me feel worse than he does.



Still not on Chimp's level of sad desperate hate but let's not pretend you're not here to lick some wounds, from some dude you've never met & will never meet online. 



How much sadder does it get.  :mickey:



Guess someone's (definitely not me) happy forum misery is keeping you both from killing yourselves.  :kaz:

lol This dude really doesn't see how angry he is :tom:

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Lol ugly ****a spiting on the world. Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2


walk off a cliff. who stripped you of your joy?  :[  :laff:


lol Those ****as living like kings compared to your grizzle faced ass. True joy is walking into a bar and being able to converse with  chicks not paid to talk to you. :pavarotti:



let's try this again: walk off a cliff. 


lmfao. Let's tally the score here.




  • Sucked a dick for fun.  - good for me. I had balls to test the system. I'm glad I did it.
  • Used to google "how to talk to women"  - PUA shit, that everyone and their mother knows about nowadays. Maybe you should google "how to stfu and keep the negetitivity to yourself"
  • Look like Akon and Whoopie Goldberg and spiked his similac with crack.  ya ok. Why are you so obsessed with hating on me btw? I look better than you ffs.
  • You finally figured out "how to pick up women": Going to bars and talking to the bartenders all night. :tom: -- nah. I just eye fuck 'em and they eye fuck me back. I don't talk to anyone all night.  -- You think I don't go to bars to socialize too? Fuck you and your exaggerated stories.
  • The angriest person on this site. Often having "fights" with multiple people at one time & claiming others "turned on you"  -- lmfao. you are the most negative worthless piece of shit I've met. Never have kids. In fact, don't even spend time around your nephews, faggot. Your hate will rub off on them.
  • Self hating uncle tom. "I dont act black anymore, I learned some Manga Japanese."  -- You've been following me around saying this for years. Why the black on black racism? You are OBSESSED  Chimp. Self-hating uncle tom how many times have you uttered that phrase. Its kind of sad when you think about the context -- you've never met me and you never will:lul:
  • Your dream job is being some Japanese dude's butler...I say again, a Black man whose dream job is being a servant. Delicious. -- Getting paid $60k a year to make some big-ego loser like you (but more $$uccessful) feel important, & in a foreign country I enjoy spending time in, ya that sounds good. I don't think you understand what an escort/interpreter does, but that's okay you work with mops.
  • Holding a 7 year grudge over someone else getting banned...lol For being racist at that. :tom:  -- I'm the one with the grudge?  :mickey:  fucking wacko psycho. 





I decided to humor this kid. Lord knows he'll kill himself if he doesn't get back the attention. 


I can't wait 'till you're 40 and double the misery. Shit's gonna be epic.  :cruise:

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