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Literal Nazi Rudolf Hess

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Everything posted by Literal Nazi Rudolf Hess

  1. Henry Rollins is an interesting pick. I could get behind that actually.
  2. I suppose this is the response I deserve, but not the one I wanted.
  3. They are 2 different things!!! Yes its bad mail sorting machines are being taken away. And the removal of mailboxes and replacement of old ones is a non story that got hyped up on social media.
  4. Both articles cooke posted mentioned replacing damaged and rusty boxes. Chill the fuck out. I actually live in Eugene and we have tons of mailboxes. I'm still going to be able to drop off my ballot in a box within 2 minutes of me.
  5. do you believe in the truth or just left vs right at all times? Stop being so cultish
  6. So Seattle lost a great police chief, a black woman, because shes fed up with the political bullshit. Great job everyone. Cutting police funding is only going to make things worse. How the fuck can you guys not see this? If a job is going to be paying less do you think it will attract better or worse candidates? You could remove every single police officer in this fucked up country and the amount of black people being shot to death won't even decrease by 1%. This shit is really starting to piss me off. We have fucking entitled college kids who have not yet experienced
  7. I just watched that documentary on Netflix. Lol fucking rednecks
  8. Isn't Shaun king the guy that wants to cancel Jesus for being white? he's like a male Rachel Dolazel
  9. To be fair.. is it not cooke just whining about other people whining? Why can't we whine about other whiners? And now you're whining about cooke whining about other people whining.
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