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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. The forensics check apparently it's not a render?
  2. "In Control we wanted to offer a valuable proposal in that sense, there's a lot more gameplay in it. You've got the main campaign, the secondary missions, it's a metroidvania-style open world, there's a lot to do. There are many layers in this game that add depth, we can't talk about them all. Looking back and seeing Quantum Break, for example, that was a linear story. You can finish it in two afternoons and that's it. There's no reason to play it again. And that's a problem in today's market. It's part of the new direction we've taken to create Control.
  3. I suspect Sony might have hired them to work on a next-gen PS5 project, so they're building up a relationship here. Weird move. Getting rights to Control is pretty absurd since a non name franchise and probably won't even sell that well.
  4. I find this hard to believe. GTA is a much bigger seller, and easier port. Then again LA Niore happened instead of GTA5.
  5. RE2 is the best deserving of a classic, but Division 2 is most played
  6. If fake, I got to give them some credit here with the effort there.
  7. And hardware. The pie for streaming is going to be so sliced up it's going to be so oversaturated.
  8. "The entire industry is going to be turned upside down in the next ~5 years. Everything will change, and no one is safe. Google, Amazon, and Apple are just the tip of new players wanting to get in on gaming. There are several more gigantic companies looking to break in, and acquisitions are the quickest way to do that. Which raises the pressure on the current players to keep up..." The streaming wars haven't even started and they are already more overcrowded than the god damn console market. This is the CD 32bit get all over again with tons of corpses and dead
  9. Matt is speculating 399 for PS5. He says price isn't locked but that's he feels it will be. Consoles always have future GPU tech inside, maybe there are other cool things coming,not only dedicated RT hardware assuming it happens. The issue RT hardware competes for die space with compute units, so shit flatout eats into overall APU perform. Maybe not be worth it.
  10. It's also be great but if they can push way beyond 16 gigs as well, which Stadia has.
  11. Cuphead couldn't be published on Switch without them allowing it, and MS not the cuphead Dev asked for the port... Dynamite is playing retard mode here.
  12. So I checked up this doesn't seem to be an exclusive that Apple owns.
  13. They're going 100% Switch multiplats with ports and XCloud/Gamepass. It's getting to the point where Playstation is in the cards, which seems insane and impossible a few years back, now no one can deny the possibility. The even admitted recently they want XBox Live on PS4.
  14. Yes it is. Also Agents of Mayhem destroys SR4.
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