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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. XCloud on Switch will be presented as a huge victory for the service, which is in their view their main future game platform. I agree with Bodycount on the Switch demoing XCloud being likely.
  2. Any rumour that doesn't included XCloud after Stadia was shown, and Phil's internal XCloud and streaming wars.
  3. I played Leon first cause I always played Claire first in the original.
  4. I'd rather they make a full long RE game, but it's a remake so multiple scenarios are expected.
  5. Mr X is a huge pain in the ass because he makes you run into avoidable enemies.
  6. XCloud and Halo on Switch will be the biggest E3 announcement.
  7. Only Nintendo and exclusives are worth it on Switch. They fit on carts, multiplats that aren't indie are dogshit on it. It's a great system with an amazing exclusive line up, but as a third party system for serious games it's a joke. Mortal Kombat will probably be like 600p, 30fps with no HDR. Why the fuck would I ever get it on Switch.
  8. The costs just keep adding up with this fucking thing. Also it's comically inconvenient on top of being the worst version by far. It's just shit all around in this case.
  9. Dynamite is the Jesus of videogame forums, that guy also got hated on and outcast by everyone. You'll see eventually that he's a real treasure.
  10. Ace Combat, Yakuza Kiwami 2, Valkyria Chronicles and so many 2018 games don't have HDR. I'm baffled by all this, shit works on all base PS4s and Pro. A multiplat not having HDR is inexcusable
  11. I was flipping RE2 between HDR on and off. In HDR it's so much easier to play because light sources completely change and you can see way more. In stuff like Horizon and Uncharted the colors are that much richer and dark contrast is way better. Someone made a good point, I still don't realise how HDR is supposed to look like since it varies so much between games.
  12. Apparently the game on the cart is 6 gigs, and you might need to download all that shit to actually play the game.
  13. This is also shockingly bad. The shooting game literally has a cardboard trigger button. Edit: wow holy shit at the bird thing. Omg toy con elephant.
  14. Valve charges 30 percent, Epic store 12. Why would anyone NOT want developers to make more money instead of some shitty store
  15. I'm surprised how much better it plays than the original, the added classes really turn everything around especially grenadiers. This feels like a return to form, and the last SRPG to matter since Disgaea and Fire Emblem.
  16. It's built on an early broken version of the source engine and needs like 10 patches to get the removed content in.
  17. I got a decent TV for my Pro. But I can see why some people don care enough. But disappointed in HDR support overall do many big games don't support HDR even in 2019.
  18. Fuck it. Gonna get ty next gen version, it's a low priority game for me.
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