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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Pandora's Tower and Sin & Punishment 2. Best Wii games.
  2. Ohh god you reminded my I lent RE7 Gold, SOTC, and Horizon to a friend
  3. PlayStation 4/Pro 458 vote(s 31.7% Xbox One/X 112 vote(s) 7.7% Nintendo Switch 631 vote(s) 43.6% PC/Steam 245 vote(s 16.9% And this is from a gaming forum, in the real world the numbers are even more skewed, as Playstation is the default HD solution for JRPGs, and Switch is the default portable/hybrid solution. In reality those percentages are even worse since the PS4, and soon Switch have massive userbase advantages.
  4. It's just what seems all game collectors are worried about, I never had it. I think even all of Accolade's Sega CD games and Dynamite's Saturn games all work flawlessly.
  5. Yet for men they want 6" height on all their dating profiles, and preferably a six pack. That's not even taking in account how much money he's supposed to make.
  6. Creepy male Feminists and SJWs that jerk off to a twink getting barebacked by a bear with no condom all seem to support this "progress". https://www.resetera.com/threads/miss-america-is-scrapping-swimsuit-competition-will-no-longer-judge-based-on-physical-appearance.46906/
  7. What else are they supposed to judge these dumb broads on? It's not like they are open air heart surgents. Their knowledge of geography? https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Culture/...petition-longer-judge-based/story?id=55638426 Miss America is scrapping its swimsuit competition and will no longer judge contestants based on physical appearance, the organization announced Tuesday. "We are no longer a pageant," Gretchen Carlson, the first former Miss America to be named chair of the Board of Trustees of the Miss America Organization, said on "GMA." "We are a competit
  8. So the new info is that the game got ported to Unreal 4.
  9. People always say that carts last longer, but in my experience dust can butcher any cart and the connectors at the bottom of the cart can start to malfunction. Shit needs to be cleaned with alcohol and the I between connectors cleaner with a needle. Even keeping your game in a box doesn't help. Switch and Vita use flash memory and that shit even when read only damages the storage unlike old carts.
  10. Project #1 (Game) “A Game with a Kodaka x Uchikoshi Joint Scenario! ‘Limit’ x ‘Despair.'” A video game that all creators of Too Kyo Games will concentrate their abilities on. The genre has not revealed yet. Kodaka and Uchikoshi will make the scenario together. Project #4 (Game) “A Spike Chunsoft x Too Kyo Games Dark Fantasy-Esque Mystery.” Project #3 (Game) “A Children’s Death Game, By Children, for Children.”
  11. Western Style huge budget games from the Japanese are so rare I can't help but interested.
  12. I remember when The Order and No Man Sky flopped, cows weren't this bitter, and this is a multiplat.
  13. Dragon Quest Heroes sold 200k. There is no way this sells less.
  14. There is zero chance this is coming to XBox.
  15. It's one of the least downgraded Switch/PS4 titles. I have no idea what Dynamite is talking about, this isn't Doom or Wolf 2 which look like they are running on a Gameboy. This has a Skyrim Switch -> Skyrim PS4 level downgrade. Meaning noticable, but not something deal breaking.
  16. Gematsu: Too Kyo Games led by Danganronpa and Zero Escape creators Kazutaka Kodaka and Kotaro Uchiko
  17. We're getting to the point where owning old consoles is borderline worthless it's a Saturn or some shit.
  18. Well I could agree with the "it's nothing" if not for the early prototype? patents.
  19. Actually I'm so intrigued I want to make my point clearer. Imagine if we took the Dualshock 4 and split it into a 2 part controller while disconnecting the middle grip that holds it together, we will see how much space there is just left not present in this controller. Anyways. Hard to explain.
  20. I suck at drawing, and the left "joycon" is turned. I think it was never supposed to connect to a grip from the sides like the switch, the area above the analog sticks is where you will get the grip connect. Somewhere here. On a regular Playstation controller the grip between the two handles isn't directly connected from the side like the Switch. The connecting "grip" between the handles, isn't even in the middle, but the upper part. Look at the Dualshock 4 for reference. Makes perfect sense to unite them. There is more than enough
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