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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Not at all. I know you love PC gaming... more than console gaming. Nobody is being forced to do anything... any one of us could buy a shitsole and play this shit day 1. A $250 used shitbox would even do it and then I could trade that trash in right after. The simple fact is that the game will be best on PC, and will have a year of patches under its belt. If anything... you're the one forced to buy a PS5 because you can't wait a year to play some game and need to play it day 1 or you feel some type of way Enjoy GTA6.. I got other shit to play.
  2. 1 game from Naughty Dog per generation is where they're at Hermits get more games day 1 now than ever before in history. No hermit cares that they have to wait for GTA6... a game that will last 10+ years until the next one
  3. lmao cows don't play games The best place to play this will be on PC after the console beta test
  4. This really sucks. They were such a talented studio. The Lone Echo games were great, their God of War PSP games were great, and they were an extremely talented studio in the technical department. RIP
  5. Yea I'ma stop you right there. Not reading your blog.. just like nobody's buying PSVR2s
  6. I'm saying they might as well not
  7. No, because trying something doesn't = "made it happen" they tried and failed to make anything happen.. Unless your problem with what I said was that "they tried" since we all know PSVR2 was probably the most pathetic attempt at anything Sony has ever done
  8. Dumbnux actually said "It did happen, just not for MS" No... it didn't happen for Sony either. The funny thing is PS tried, while MS knew better than to bother
  9. I never said Xbox was bad. I said their next console/handheld is DOA. I'm going to enjoy Xbox games the same way I was always going to enjoy Xbox games. This thread merely exists because it's obvious Xbox will fumble their handheld as well.. which I already stated they would right after it was first rumored. Xbox is more than just console my guy.... has been for a long time....
  10. https://x.com/ZakkenKloot/status/1820922795896832249 The tweet has a video clip of Jez saying as much on his podcast. POS is DOA if this is the case.
  11. To Nintendo it's infinitely more important that their games were harder to copy and duplicate than it was that 3rd parties gave a fuck about the console. Back in those days 3rd party games weren't selling Nintendo hardware. But still, it adds to the cool factor of that console IMO. Still one of the nicest looking consoles IMO. Actually when I think of it, all of Nintendo's traditional console designs have been sexy.
  12. Love that little box
  13. Game itself looks great! Excited for this one! However the framerate looks dodgy as hell unfortunately. I know it's not released yet, but considering how LA was, I don't expect this to be any better. Switch 2 should clear up any issues though.
  14. He's almost always completely covered head to toe.. she's almost always completely nude. Probably some weird symbolism he's trying to convey. It's crazy what women will do for money these days
  15. Microsoft is saying it themselves "No Xbox needed" lol so it's hard to disagree with them.
  16. Gonna need to see some recipts... because I probably liked those games more than anyone here Halo evolved... but each time it did the fanbase divided. They could have built upon core elements of Halo in a better way instead of having to change the structure. Halo's problems stem from dropping a lot of things that made it Halo.. and only half ass attempting to evolve without fully committing.. which means you ended up with products which felt uninspired. The story went off track too. Those are all things that could easily be brought back in. Peo
  17. That's complete bullshit. That's like saying a GoW 1-3 style God of War games were a product of their time and wouldn't fly today... People would LOVE a new GoW like the original trilogy at this point. A new Halo game with crazy good production values in the same style of the old ones would sell incredibly well.. don't be stupid.
  18. So why pay so much? lmao, they got played. But I'm sure as a focused PS studio under Sony leadership they'll rebound.
  19. Yea. I'd see how it works out for you in either case. I mean, for $100 the Portal definitely isn't a bad purchase. I suppose if you're REALLY into having the Dualsense features for Playstation games, then it would be a no brainer at that price.. but for me it wouldn't be worth it. That $100 would stay in the bank waiting for Steam Deck 2 and Switch 2. Two much better upcoming devices.
  20. I would just use Chiaki on the Steam Deck instead of buying a Portal.. even at $100.
  21. It's funny how you finished a "boring COD campaign", but didn't finish all the bangers you talked about playing.
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