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Everything posted by Remij

  1. They do, when they have technical problems they shouldn't have
  2. Ori is absolutely a 9/10 game. It was marred with technical problems which shouldn't have existed however.
  3. Indeed. All those AMD hermits HBR
  4. AMD doesn't currently have a similar solution for this. It's really not going to be up to AMD to have anything like this for the next gen consoles. Basically the hardware simply has to be able to accelerate int8 and int4 workloads. We know Series X has some capability here... we don't know if Sony has the same. It's entirely possible they don't. Microsoft already has DirectML, and they have their own image enhancement techniques, which they've displayed with Forza Horizon 3 a while ago. It's assured they will have some form of this technology, but no idea if it will be as good
  5. 1/4 of the resolution... it's just crazy.
  6. Yeah, it's definitely nowhere near as good as RE2. Nemesis is cool looking and everything, but he sucks in comparison to Mr. X. There's just a lot of little things I'm noticing too that make it just seem dumb. Like for example right at the beginning of the game when you emerge from the subway station and out onto the streets, you've literally JUST finished talking with the group about getting people on the train and out of Raccoon city, and as she leaves the station there's lots of people running past her.. and she doesn't think to tell any of them to get in and go down to the train.. lol
  7. There is currently no better reconstruction technique than DLSS 2.0. It's godly. Absolutely NO reason to not use it if the game supports it and you have the hardware. Rendering only a 1/4 of the pixels, generating the rest and looking as good as native, and in some ways slightly better is simply incredible... and all of the downsides of the previous implementations have been rectified. Less ghosting, better clarity in motion. Uses less VRAM too since you're rendering at a far lower native resolution. There's tons of benefits to this tech. RTX. IT'S ON.
  8. God dammit Bhytre... You better give me some good damn impressions
  9. Yea lmao. On PC the sky's the limit.. make her as much of a whore as you want
  10. A legend. Lean on Me and Ain't no Sunshine It sucks too because I just recently posted a cover that I love of Ain't no Sunshine... so I'm going to do it again because I love it so much. RIP
  11. I don't know why you keep doing this... I wouldn't push the issue if I didn't KNOW it was real. This is coming back to you
  12. I do. And it is happeneing. Why do you think they were fire selling the Xbox One X for like $230 off recently. They're getting rid of that stock. It's absolutely a real thing man
  13. It would. And MS would seriously put a good dent in Sony's plan at the beginning of the gen. If they could actually release top tier AAA games as well, they could claw back quite a bit of marketshare I think.
  14. Here's another one for you guys... First a 540p scene running at 89fps Second same scene at 1080p native running at about 1/2 the fps and third, 540p DLSS to 1080p.. running at 86fps. Essentially gaining back all the performance of 540p while actually looking better than native 1080p. It's fucking incredible. I mean SHIT. Just compare the 540p native screen to the 540p DLSS screen..... THOSE ARE BOTH RUNNING AT 540p..
  15. It seems like a no brainer. Nintendo, and Nvidia themselves would be smart to do it. Having it essentially built into the console as standard would help tremendously with adoption. Already we have built in engine support for UE4.. and that's just the start. Now that it's general purpose with no per game training, it's only a matter of engine implementation. Then it becomes a no brainer to use. And the cool thing is that Nintendo and Nvidia could continually improve the quality and performance with simple system updates. It's really fucking cool. Will be awesome to see where
  16. It really is going to be awesome. I can only imagine. There was talk about them using a Volta based GPU possibly (rumor of course) but if that was true... Volta actually has a faster tensor core than Turing. If Nintendo was opting to use Volta for that reason, it's pretty clear what their intentions would be. Now that DLSS2.0 supports 4x upscaling... it means they only need 1080p to hit 4K DLSS now... and remember that looks essentially native. So if Nintendo targeted high quality 1080p visuals... we could have 4K looking Switch 2 games with outstanding performance.
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