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Everything posted by Remij

  1. That shit is cool idgaf what anyone says. Next gen games will deserve next gen audio. This is it.
  2. Here's their stocks for the last 5 years... They are done... https://www.cnbc.com/2019/06/04/gamestop-stock-falls-as-sales-fall-short-and-dividend-eliminated.html These types of stores are finished, and this is only going to push more and more people to digital. Next gen, digital adoption is going to skyrocket. I'm sry brehs.. but it's happening.
  3. I'd love to see then remake the Banjo games, as well as/or a new classic style game in the series. I'd also love for Rare to announce a new Kameo. They need some high quality games like that. Also, bring back some of the memories of the better days.. the 360 era. Perfect Dark.. Kameo.. Halo back and kicking ass again.. I'd also love a new Killer Instinct
  4. Another leak is that apparently Brad Sams said that at E3 we'll see the reveal of a new Xbox Elite controller. I love controllers so I'm down for this.. as long as it's sufficiently different enough from the current one. I would rather they brought the price of that down than release something slightly different and probably charge even more.
  5. Everything they make is overpriced garbage. And I can say that as an Nvidia fan.
  6. LMAO did you see their new announcements. $6000 starting price for a Mac Pro, $5000 Pro monitor, and a $1000 monitor stand.. ROFL
  7. I'ma give Dynamite and Jehurey one last comment each and then it's locked. Any future shooting threads will be moved to the politics forum. Also, since we're on that subject and I don't really check that forum often... is it alright? Is there a moderator that actively pokes around there? Anyway I guess yall can report things as usual.. but I definitely don't peek in there much anymore.
  8. It's not more than that? Damn I'm surprised. Usually the only ones I ever hear about are white guys, to the point where I outright assume it before even reading about them these days. Anyway, I assume I'm going to have to lock this thread soon.. as I think it's pretty much run it's course.
  9. Wonder if it's just Banjo in Smash or whether it's that plus a new game... or possibly just a new game called Banjo Smash.. lmao.
  10. In all honesty though.. I would love split controllers from both vendors next gen. IMO, it's much more comfortable and ergonomic.. and I simply think it's about time that they do just split them up. But doubling as VR controllers? Eh, that would limit the potential of them compared to true VR motion controllers designed specifically for that purpose. Typical console controller input layouts for games are extremely different from typical VR layouts. If they tried to incorporate both into the standard controller, it would most certainly fuck with the traditional controller layout
  11. It is.. but I don't think it's going to make a huge difference in the grand scheme of things. Half the the things I suggested would use very little to no extra power to be noticeable.. and the others would indeed drain power.. but I think you'd still get a decent amount of time out of a charge. People are already used to low battery life with controllers like the DS4. -Get rid of the stupidly bright LED -Get rid of the track pad -lower the effect of the rumble -put that savings into haptic and force feedback
  12. Something like that... but Sony's controller iirc wasted quite a bit of power getting the latency down as far as possible. It's entirely possible things are more efficient and there could be a bigger battery in the controller.
  13. They definitely got lucky man. Of course, they made the most of it... I'm not taking that away from them... but your competition doesn't usually completely stumble out of the gate when your product is at it's worst... by the time MS could change the image around, Sony's teams were firing on all cylinders... it was a wrap.
  14. It does... everything Sony is doing right now will affect Playstation in the future. Think outside your stupid bubble for a sec.
  15. Price would be similar... this isn't that amazing of tech guys. $70 for a controller probably.
  16. somewhere in between. Probably 10-15 hours.
  17. They have the same throw as a typical analog trigger, but right before they bottom out, they actually click, as a button. On the Steam controller for example, which has them.. you could make it so that when you pull the trigger in partially it will "aim down the sights" but then when you fully press it and click the button it fires. It feels really nice.
  18. Eh, not really. Probably similar battery life as current controllers.
  19. "Sony announces deal to work with MS to further mutual gaming ambitions" Nope.. doesn't affect Playstation at all - Jederpy The team was stunned because it definitely affects them... their execs kept them out of the loop. And LOL... PS4 is only as successful as it is because MS completely fuck up in the beginning and couldn't recover.
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