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Everything posted by 54212

  1. Robinhood halted trading on GSE and AMC too. Clearly that means they have no value either.
  2. Now you're arguing crypto has no real value because scammy brokers like Robinhood manipulate the market.
  3. Oh and by the way, make sure to only invest in companies you think will be around when you retire. Diamond hands on JCPenny.
  4. You've gone from arguing that people getting tricked into secretly buying overpriced monkeys proves the English pound and crypto have no real value to arguing crypto has no real value because just like stocks, you may have to wait a few minutes for your sell order to get filled. Sometimes it's legit funny to see how stupid you are.
  5. You don't determine how fast an exchange processes your trade request even if you have a wallet, and you can have a wallet without mining the crypto. And the argument that a guy secretly selling overpriced monkeys somehow proves the English pound has no real value is a Hall of Fame shit analogy.
  6. "If I don't control my wallet"? What does that even mean? And oh noes, it took a minute to sell. It's like I'm buying overpriced monkey's from a 'secret' Taco truck and the British pound has no actual value.
  7. Yeah it's real difficult to trade it in for cash. I mean it's not like I can do it right from my PayPal account.
  8. This is great too. How's that Sears Roebuck stock doing, grandpa? I bet heavy on Amazon last year due to covid, nearly doubled my money, and got out. Why should I care if Amazon even exists when I retire? Your investment strategies are as dumb as your politics.
  9. You can trade Bitcoin for US dollars at any time. "But they're tricking us into 'secretly' buying overpriced monkeys therefore the British pound has no real value!"
  10. This: https://paybis.com/blog/companies-that-accept-bitcoin/ This person's almost as dumb as you are.
  11. It's a pump-and-dumb scheme. Total shit analogy and you thought it was clever LOL
  12. Because he's talking about pounds, you fool. That's how dumb his analogy is.
  13. You and the guy who came up with the monkey story are retards. He's describing a pump-and-dump scheme, not a criticism of fiat currency, or fiat currency that lacks fungibility. Did you get this from /progtards? The investors aren't being taken a ride for investing in pounds / a currency. They're being taken a ride by investing in an good whose value has been falsely inflated. "Secretly." LOL you're so fucking dumb.
  14. Cooke, are you still playing it and liking it?
  15. It's a win button. I'm all for Nintendo trolling people who want one. The Amiibo's $25 too.
  16. Your side's the one who cared so much about the silly game that they got it deplatormed, and now you're trying to provide cover for them. Imagine being that radicalized.
  17. No one's arguing it's illegal for Steam to ban the game, you retard. We're arguing it's hypocritical and gay as hell to cave to the woke prudes. And LOL @ commie incels like you cheering this shit on because you resent guys who can get laid.
  18. I think I may get this for the Switch. I'm in the mood for a mellow late-night game.
  19. The usual dumbass misdirection from the middle-aged jobless fagg0t who still lives with his parents. The issue isn't whether he can sell the game or not, it's market access. Not being able to sell on Steam greatly reduces his access which in turn will greatly reduce his sales. Steam accounts for 75% of the global market share. Get a job you commie parasite.
  20. Given Britain's bloody colonial oppression of India, your attempt to excuse the racist term "Indian variant" is disgusting. You've already freely admitted you're a racist and you continue to sperg your racist filth on this board. Why haven't the mods permed you long ago? And why is the left so full of racists? But either way, no racism or politics on the main board.
  21. No racism or politics on the main board you racist middle-aged jobless loser who still lives with his parents.
  22. Calling it the Indian variant is racist.
  23. It's great at first but then it becomes a endless slog with mind-numbing teleport mazes. When I finished it I swore I'd never play another game like it again.
  24. Generally speaking you need to have held a job before you can retire.
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