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Everything posted by 54212

  1. The funniest part is that you're willing to open one up and lose the money if it gets me stop making fun of you for four months but not for only a week.
  2. You just wimped out of the bet and showed us how much of a hovel you live in.
  3. Because you're going to scalp them all while the price is still high on the secondary market. Now show us the opened GPU. And those urine colored walls are perfect.
  4. Look at all that $5 garage sale furniture. Now show us the opened GPU. Can you feel all that money slipping away.
  5. I'll take a week ban bet if you show us your GPU and case unboxed on your filthy desk. You'll have to eBay them as open-boxed then and lose all that money. That would be freaking hilarious.
  6. You've got no leverage, Stinky. You're already locked in a perm bet with Jon that requires you to show everyone your PC.
  7. The inside of his old car was pretty filthy too. It looked like it was coated with sticky goo.
  8. SystemWars is back from the dead. Not sure if that's a good thing...
  9. That's what I'm doing tomorrow. The CDC's about to change their recommendation to that too. 7-10 days in quarantine and then get tested.
  10. I let my guard down, hung out with someone who turned out to be infected, and now I'm on day six of quarantine. I'm going crazy from boredom. I spent a half-hour this morning spinning around in my office chair seeing how dizzy I could make myself. But so far I'm symptom free.
  11. It sounds like you're pretty much in the clear. Usually if it's going to get bad, it starts to go south around day seven.
  12. Holy shit dude. How are you feeling?
  13. I'm with Dunkey on this one. I'll wait for a PS5 redesign and Capcom's Pragmata. I stopped following the spec wars a long time ago.
  14. Jerry doesn't have a job. He's scalping PS5s and PC parts on eBay to fund his new PC. Ask him to post open-box photos of his GPU and case sitting on his ghetto desk with all the pill bottles. If he doesn't plan to sell the parts he currently has, opening their boxes (which would depreciate their value on the secondary market) shouldn't be an issue. LOL @ complaining about capitalism while refusing to get a job and resorting to dirtbag scalping just to buy toys.
  15. I hate to say it but CAG just posted that it's only 2 per store. Between the teenagers and the scalpers you're up against steep odds, sir. God speed.
  16. I'm protesting until they finally give me Capcom blue and yellow. This oppression must end. ✊
  17. I did. They have the NES up and running now, but I'm not sure if it requires any hardware mods. But still. 🏁
  18. Awesome. I was wondering what I had to do to get her unique plotline but I didn't want to read GameFAQs and risk spoiling anything big.
  19. I let my guard down and now I'm on Day 4 of home quarantine. And just as the vaccines come online--gotta laugh. But no symptoms so far and I'm really healthy so no worries. Just annoying. Finally started FE: Three Houses. Picked the Empire as my birthplace thinking the Black Eagles have to be a cool house just going by the name. Laughed when they turned out to be goth spergs who would have their pronouns in their Twitter bios if they lived in this world. Almost went with the Blue Lions instead but I figured I'll pick them the next playthrough.
  20. You said they can't be trusted to deal with global warming, you racist. That's not how the dumb game you set up works. If you politically disagree with someone, they're either a Nazi or a Commie. There are no moderates. You hate nuclear power, Commie.
  21. Why do I click on this shit? It's always the same Dunning–Kruger retardation. Gen 3 reactors have been in operation for 25 years, you idiot. And Gen IV are expected to be ready within 10 years. You're literally the dumbest person I've ever met.
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