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Everything posted by Ike

  1. The NFC South should be interesting this year, probably the 2nd best division behind the NFC West.
  2. Aza gets bored of spending his oligarch family's money and banging tranny's sometimes.
  3. Just got to the side missions in chapter 8. I’ll have to stop until tomorrow. Game is really good.
  4. You’re so upset by this I’m sure lesbian porn just utterly disgusts doesn’t it?
  5. Going to be so butthurt when this gets universal praise. Fucking lemmings. Go play Bleeding Edge and Grounded.
  6. Getting the handcannon with unlimited ammo. There was an insane amount of content and replayability once you beat it too. The new game plus was such an awesome design choice.
  7. The Last Story for Wii was the best JRPG of last gen.
  8. Closest is REmake. GameCube was the best console ever for Resident Evil and peak Capcom.
  9. Haven’t been able to play any today. Doing some family stuff. I’ll try to get in a couple more chapters tonight before bed.
  10. They should focus more on the actual plagas virus and more Ada/Wesker shit. That was more interesting than the Ashley/Leon shit.
  11. Hopefully they can completely retool the castle section. It got so bloated but there were some cool enemies. Also, just cut the boss fight with the double gigantes. It was stupid and unnecessary. I’ll still play it anyways.
  12. 9 hours and up to chapter 8. This game has been awesome.
  13. After Hollow Knight a lot of Metroidvania type games seem average. This one does look cool with the underwater setting.
  14. I think you’ll enjoy it. It’s very cinematic story telling, isn’t too challenging, offers up a gorgeous story with some of the best graphics ever. Game is just a great accomplishment. I also really am enjoying the battle system. It’s a wonderful hybrid of real-time action with the old turn based system.
  15. eBay is where I’m getting prices. I’m not selling anything at all, just observing the market.
  16. Dude video game stuff is becoming increasingly rare due to the pandemic. I can probably get $200+ for my Ring Fit right now. Also, the Switch is impossible to get right now outside of the Lite model. I think next gen consoles are going to be hard as hell to find. It’s an industry problem.
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