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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Get an ultrawide monitor. You don't need dual screens. That is more like spreadsheets and cross referencing data.
  2. lol kokujinlicker is known for race baiting.
  3. There is no going back after what happened last week? You will be branded a terrorist.
  4. People at the BLM protests got scot free? Actually they were shot at with pellet bullets.
  5. I don't understand why she suddenly cares about her kids. Should have thought about your kids before doing all that stupid shit, you dumb bitch.
  6. Conspiracy sub to be more specific. The amount of proud boys victimization and projection has gone completely up the ass. Every post is about how the media is "censoring us all", that everyone is violating their 1st amendment and freedom of speech. Literally everything hurts those snowflakes.
  7. Not really. What have I noticed though is that republicans can't seem to realize that they are wrong. Before admitting that they fucked up, they'll try to convince everyone that both sides are the same, that BLM protests were equally as bad, that both democrats and republicans don't care about us. Even after showing them how wrong they are, they will try to deflect the argument by saying Trump is not responsible, that the protests were pacific in nature. In other words, they are out of their fucking minds. If they can't rationalize it their twisted way and have everyon
  8. He is the fucking president. He incited his loyalists to perpetrate that act of terrorism. Any other guy would have jumped to top of the fbi's most wanted list. It's the fact that he's still the president that they can't do anything. But once he steps down, the fbi will be on his ass. Trump is no different than the guy he killed the past year in Iran.
  9. English, Spanish, Spanglish, Engrish, Spikiespanish, no habloespañol.
  10. Why the fuck are you still talking about something that was already addressed and dealt with? The Antifa and BLM attackers were shot and jailed at already.
  11. You care more about what happened to certain Walmart than the capitol.
  12. lmfao at this tool putting corporations' interests before the interests of the people.
  13. A bunch of Trump terrorists stormed the capitol a few days ago, but all he could care about is to preserve Fox News' integrity as a news station.
  14. Absolutely. He is even cracking jokes about it.
  15. I am good with this. Ban Cooke, Twinblade, DC, Bhytre and Bodycount for a few months or face the consequences @Alphonse If you don't want to do it, you can give me modship and I'll throw out the trash.
  16. The man is responsible for all the chaos in the last few days. They are doing this so he can be properly prosecuted by the full extent of the law and no pardons can be given from him (most likely to himself), and also so he can be prevented from running again.
  17. Is this the moment in which you are trying to be sarcastic or are you downright fucking dumb?
  18. Days before this, Trump replaced the entire Pentagon advisors with their own campaign advisors. This shit was planned and he deserves to be impeached for this.
  19. You seem to be getting the wrong impression that people actually backed the BLM and Antifa protests. Both were violent exhibitions with the only difference that BLM and Antifa faced equally tough resistance from authorities while the trumpsters literally were received with an open pass to storm the capitol with very little reaction from authorities; even to the point of blocking action from the national guard.
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