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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Lemmings are now woke.. Lol Wait a sec.. This isn't a game related thread
  2. Didn't Republicans just lose in Cali and Jersey? Virginia was Republican first major win in almost two years. They've been on a losing streak they had to win something eventually. It's funny that Trump and retards like you were claiming voter fraud and funny business in the voting in Virginia... But as soon as a republican won that same race..... The "fraud" claims magically disappeared.. Lol But back to the topic. Ohhh so when the Job numbers are good for the majority of the year.... That's called sugar coating.... But when it's so so for
  3. @Twinblade One good month he said Just a few reminders from when you started cheery picking around June
  4. One good month? ..... Awww you're so triggered that you resort to lying now huh?
  5. No update from you this month, what happened? The labor market is back on track after 531,000 jobs were added in October Nonfarm payrolls increased by 531,000 in October, beating the estimate of 450,000. The unemployment rate fell to 4.6%, a new pandemic low and better than expectations. Wages rose 0.4% for the month and were up 4.9% from a year ago. Not only that, the stock market is at a record high The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 203.72 points, or nearly 0.6%, to 36,327.95. The S&P 500 gained 0.
  6. Long ass time ago my ass. You were just earlier this year talking about that shit when that crappy game got fake banned... You were going on and on about how you find those PUA guys to be insightful or someshit
  7. Switch pro was in play pandemic pushed that back too. Holiday 2022 for the earliest.
  8. Yes the Switch is popular because it's a hybrid. It consolidated their console and handheld resources all into one that was the entire point of the system. It's going to outsell all of Nintendo's handheld + console for any of the previous gens save for the Wii + DS.
  9. They got lucky that animal crossing itself blew up really big during the pandemic. It was going to be huge anyway...but the pandemic made it AC a monster. Remember... Switch itself was just as big before the pandemic as it was during the pandemic and now even after we're no longer all quarantined. The pandemic itself caused tons of chip shortages that forced them to reduce hardware shipments both last year and this year (and they still broke records) as well delay a bunch of software into 2022. If the switch wasn't already selling at this same pace befor
  10. Well the OLED switch just launched, you'll have to wait 2 to years to purchase it like you current Switch
  11. Counterpoint... They actually believe in it. What then? will you actually criticize MS or will you still hand wave it away?
  12. The physical description of themselves is for the visually impaired. The pronouns declaration is dumb because it's a presentation not a dialoge.. Lol
  13. Dat cliff is fast approaching Nintendo sold 8.3 million Switch hardware units in the past six months ended September 30, the Japanese company reported today. Nintendo Switch units are closing in the big 100 million number, as Switch sales have now topped 92.87 million sold to date, with 681 million software copies sold. https://venturebeat.com/2021/11/04/nintendo-sells-8-3m-switch-units-in-six-months-ended-september-30/
  14. My comment has nothing to do with Forza per se you autistic persecution complex lemming. I'm taking about games in general. Most games review embargos are the same week of release or a day or two before as a standard practice. That doesn't mean those publishers aren't confident in their product.. Its just a standard practice. This game doesn't release until the 12th... Today is only the 4th. That's outside of the standard practice.
  15. Edit* the game isn’t out for another 8 days and reviews are already being posted? That's confidence in your product.
  16. But seriously, how many more times must these fooled be proven wrong before they wake the fuck up?
  17. And so far 91 on Meta. Yes it's AAA.... But remember in this very thread you said it would be the highest scoring game this gen? 91 is the ceiling for Xbox games the next 5 years according to you
  18. Xbox's highest scoring game for the rest of the gen is releasing this month according to you. Which means you don't have much faith in the next 5 years of Xbox games
  19. Forza will be the best scoring game of a gen that still has 5 years left is as likey as Switch falling off the cliff by 2018
  20. GamePass is currently a loss leader for MS. They're losing tons of money on gamepass dumbass.
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