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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. They want to move on from last gen. While also making money off the PS4 userbase that doesn't have a PS5. You will have some users who will double dip when they get a PS5.. So Sony will get two sales off of knw consumer. Or you pay 80 and get both versions in one.
  2. It just works...... But they want you to pay an extra 20 for it "If you want to have access to both the PS4 and PS5 versions of Horizon Forbidden West, please purchase the Digital Deluxe, Collector’s, or Regalla Editions.
  3. You been saying this since 2016 and since then... You lost the house You lost the senate And then lost the presidency
  4. Hey retard this is a NEW GAME. I know your dumbass isn't comparing playing OG Xbox games that you played 15 years ago again on Series X to playing a new fucking game
  5. Doesn't matter clown, he can play it on his PS5 legally. Does that trigger you so much?
  6. Like I said your autism is showing. He can play it on PS5 legally, doesn't matter if it's in BC mode. Your autism has you stuck on being Literal.
  7. He can play it on PS5, your autism is acting up
  8. Yes you can play it on PS5, it's not a PS5 native game. (PS4 Pro version).
  9. They've had the deepest pockets even before they got into gaming. It's called an absolute monoply on enterprise and personal computing software for DECADES. Again, nothing is wrong with that and because of their deep pockets they can afford to spend spend spend.... even if the gaming division losses hundreds of millions (which it did) they can afford it. If it wasn't for their deep pockets the Xbox brand would be dead and buried right now.
  10. And he is off to the races again trying to derail the thread with topics unrelated to MIA games at gamescom. Just like I said from Jump. He absolutely cannot help himself, keeps trying to bait into unrelated topics but is livid that I'm not biting and going and not around with him about unrelated shit. Look at wall text LemiJ posted full of deflection and attempted thread derailment all because he doesn't want to talk about THE THREAD TOPIC.. games that were expected at gamescom but were MIA like..... Halo SP and that imaginary Kojima Xbox game
  11. More deflection from games expected at gamescom. Can't stay on topic to save your life once again.
  12. None of those Nintendo games were expected to be shown at gamescom... That was your deflection from th start Unlike Halo SP and that imaginary Kojima Xbox games that were expected at gamescom... But were MIA
  13. What games that were expected at gamescom but were MIA did you post about? My post was about that imaginary Kojima Xbox game and Halo SP....both were expected.. But sadly MIA
  14. You're still avoiding the topic of expected games that were MIA at gamescom. That Kojima reveal that never happened must have really traumatized you I see There's nothing to argue about games that were expected but missing from gamescom
  15. LemiJ avoiding the topic just like how that imaginary Kojima Xbox game and Halo SP avoided gamescom
  16. She will be fired or disciplined as she should. The school itself doesn't condone her behavior. “We are aware of this incident and are investigating,” Hank Bangser, Interim Superintendent of Schools, told Heavy in an email. “While we do not discuss employee-related matters, we can tell you that showing respect and honor for our nation’s flag is a value that we instill in our students and an expectation of our employees. We take matters like this seriously and will be taking action to address it.”
  17. Annnnd he is off to the races on the remi-go-round just like I expected. You cant stay on topic if your life depended on it. Yea you tried to change the topic to NMH3 review GS score hoping I would argue with you back and forth about something unrelated to this thread. Not going around with you for 20 pages like you and your secret crush jehurey does all the time over and over and over. Don't be mad because I'm not falling for your remi-go-round bait. Back to topic about MIA games at gamescom.
  18. And that triggered you to the point that you tried to change the topic to start a remi-go-round about something unrelated to the thread topic Try that shit with your secret crush jehurey, not me.
  19. Dat deflection from the topic of the thread
  20. Bbbbbbut My sources told me it will be announced at gamescom along with Halo SP footage
  21. You want my attention so bad you had to lie twice to get it? You miss me that much? Not once have I hated on the specs of the deck, said several times is a great device for enthusiasts. You're still confused as why I'm not a slight bit threatened by the Deck I see. And Slow Jonny is still trying to desperately plead for a response... What's that like 4 to 5 threads with posts begging for me to acknowledge him
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