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Everything posted by Vini

  1. I would if there was a definitely-not-a-hermit faction
  2. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    You're not a democrat
  3. I get where you're coming from but I don't think it's jarring at all. Yea the world design is great and feels alive but no matter how great the ecosystem the whole thing would feel empty anyway if there's no story and the characters to interact with it and it all blends seamlessly with the environment IMO Considering I have no issues with the story yet I can't wait to get to the epilogue. Chapters 1-6 spoilers:
  4. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    The only connection I drew to Kavanaugh is pointing out your own ideological hypocrisy of jumping to defend Mueller's honor and jumping to dismiss Kavanaugh's. I never drew an equivalence between the two cases in fact I stated I believe Dr. Ford and completely dismissed Wohl's case from the beginning. Nice try materializing a non existent false equivalence to divert from your own stunning intellectual inconsistency.
  5. Look I didn't read that whole thing on the off chance of getting spoiled but these strike me as creative decisions through and through. Rockstar open world have always seemed more about the narrative focus than the freedom, at least ever single GTA3. The story is what it is, it's a 3 act structure with a script and you're there to experience it unfold just like a TV show, with only an illusion of freedom, choice and control in between. Even the moral system is largely an illusion because the arc doesn't change maybe just the ending and a few altered character fates. Now the only
  6. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Yeah didn't think so I insinuated democrats are better at using #metoo as a weapon than republicans. Where did I call them hypocrites? I called you and @McWickedSmawt85 hypocrites. Neither of you clowns are democrats or liberals for that matter. JFK would blow his own brains out if he saw you two representing his party in any capacity
  7. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Quote me calling Democrats hypocrites then. I'll wait.
  8. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Here comes the mind reading lmao Like clockwork
  9. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    No it doesn't. Didn't say anything about Democrats. You're no Democrat. What makes you a hypocrite is your song and dance about "honorable men" unless it's a pro Trump conservative judge in question. In that case screw his honor.
  10. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Literally my first post about Mueller accusations
  11. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    That Avenatti is a dirty scumbag
  12. Even Aza's dick pics are bigger than that
  13. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    https://www.mediaite.com/online/actress-reportedly-files-domestic-violence-restraining-order-against-michael-avenatti/ Part of the conspiracy? #metoounlessyourepartoftheresistance
  14. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    The Three Stooges @McWickedSmawt85 I'm still waiting for proof where I defended Wohl @Goukosan The umpteenth time you avoid the subject and talk about my right wing sources lmao. @jehurey Talking out your ass as always yet another term ITT you're throwing around without understanding it lol I can see why you dipsticks would idolize an ambulance chasing celebrity laywer shyster like Avenatti
  15. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Yea you're counting a bunch of Russians in that number. But it doesn't matter anyway even if there were a thousand incitements unless there's recorded evidence of a phone call or any sort of communication compromising Trump either directly with Russians or explicitly giving direction to collude with Russians none of this shit means anything.
  16. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Jesus you guys are gonna have a rough 6 years. Don't tell me I didn't warn you
  17. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    He's not going anywhere Jerry, let alone jail. And because of people like you he's gonna get a second term. Time to do what Pelosi is doing and try and work with the guy
  18. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Yeah there's a really good chance they'll find no direct impeachable collusion. Probably more than 50% at this point. I think if there was a smoking gun they would've found it by now.
  19. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Bush and Cheney weren't even prosecuted for war crimes these dumbos think Trump will catch fraud charges out of office lmao If the Russian investigation turns up nothing this guy will not be impeached and will not be prosecuted for anything, now or after presidency. Stop dreaming
  20. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Alt lefties getting owned non stop ITT
  21. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    The formula 1 driving badass lawyer who's gonna take down the tyrant. I didn't portray him as a hero you did read this thread lmao
  22. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    This is the hill you you choose to die on @jehurey? I can't wait for this shyster to get exposed
  23. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Now even the pornstar is ready to ditch this weasel https://www.cbsnews.com/news/stormy-daniels-says-she-will-fire-michael-avenatti-if-domestic-abuse-charges-are-true/
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