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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. I don't think it's Spiderman on its own, though it's clearly a hot ticket item for the year. I think it's Spiderman + PS4 in a $200 bundle. $200 is the sweet spot that consoles sell crazy numbers at, and bundling a hot new game with it is a recipe for sales explosion.
  2. False equivalence: https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/jul/07/fact-checking-donations-clinton-foundation/ Versus: https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2018/10/11/trump-apartments-saudi-buyers-2015-sot-lead-vpx.cnn I look forward to you not clicking either of those links before responding.
  3. Yerp, it's been a problem lately. It's an intermittent issue.
  4. I've been having trouble with tweets auto-embedding for about a week now. I pinged Alphonse about it. Sometimes the shit just doesn't load.
  5. That's the Tom Bradley terminal in LAX. Kamiya's in town for something and Bayo 3 is the best bet.
  6. "bu bu Hillary!!!!" Same shit every single thread.
  7. Democrats and progressives always have to be civil while Republicans lie, cheat, and steal their way to more power. Fuck that. It's people like Ramza's fault that Ocasio-Cortez got elected.
  8. She didn't get destroyed so hard. She got 3 million more votes overall than Trump. Trump won because of 80k votes across the Rust Belt. Everyone who pays attention knows this. You don't, so i'mma just let you sit there feeling superior while you bask in all the shit you don't know. Try not to go full retard.
  9. There it is. "bu bu bu it'z UR FAULT TRUMP WUZ ELECTORED!!!"
  10. I see you have not been paying attention to the Mueller investigation. No surprises there.
  11. You think it's embarrassing to be concerned about a hostile foreign nation meddling in our electoral process?
  12. LMAO of course it's this douche-nozzle. I can name entire states that are infinitely worse than the single city of Portland, and they're all in the Bible Belt. Kentucky and Mississippi immediately come to mind. Oklahoma sucks shit, too. I'd throw Florida in there, but it has Key West and Didny Whorl, so I'mma let that one slide.
  13. Yes it does. I just checked it. Yeah, we've all heard the innocent until proven guilty line with Mueller's targets. And they keep getting indicted. All I gotta do is wait.
  14. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-18/le-pen-says-putin-s-u-s-critics-out-of-touch-with-modern-russia https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/nov/13/nigel-farage-mueller-russia-investigation-trump-latest-jerome-corsi-claim If you're defending a country that attacked your electoral process, or you're being asked about by an investigation regarding Russian meddling...put two and two together.
  15. Macron's infinitely better than Le Pen, who was another Russian stooge. People forget that the same shit Russia was doing to the US, they were also doing in France. Macron may not be great, but the alternative was a Trump-level nightmare willing to break out of the EU (Frexit?). Macron at least had the balls to walk up to Putin's face and say "cut that shit out".
  16. I doubt it. It's probably Nintendo just keeping up with their IP so they don't lose it. We saw them do this with Eternal Darkness before and nothing came of it. If they're going to do a remaster, give me Xenoblade HD.
  17. The best part about Deeno's studio announcements is that when those investments finally come home to roost, and Microsoft starts releasing actual games again, it still won't matter to the xbox brand because we can just play that shit on Game Pass on PC. Deeno Xshit
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