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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. They should just shoot the leadership at Microsoft at this point.
  2. If games like this weren't ftom Xbox they wouldn't even get articles wrote about them. Forgettable trash.
  3. My plan to make it through the cost of living crisis is to turn Lemming, with no games to play I'll save a fortune on electricity bills.
  4. UK is effectively a third world country at this point its sales data shouldn't be used for anything
  5. Shit maybe that was me remembering it wrong then HH used to say so many random things you never knew what was true and what was fabrication.
  6. Are you actually from India? Or was HH just trolling? Not hating I'm just curious.
  7. The lower the res the worse the difference becomes. Like 480p looked like shit on a 720p tv but 1080p is perfectly playable on a 4ktv.
  8. Let me correct you there lemshit Halo 2 did not beat Half-Life 2 for GOTY. World of Warcraft won GOTY that year and in fact Halo 2 was nominated for "biggest disappointment". Halo 2 couldn't even win Xflop GOTY - that went to Burnout 3. I remember when they leaked the score early and it was a 9.1 and after an uproar it disappeared and came back later as a 9.4. Halo 2 was a flop.
  9. I wouldn't imagine it's that different to a TV. 2K on a 4ktv looks pretty good. Arkham Knight at 1440p with FSR looked like it was native 4k.
  10. People complaining about the pricd Have you seen the inflation? I'm not surprised. In the UK we won't even be able to afford the electricity to play the damn game soon
  11. I joined in 2004, I remember everyone playing about GTA San Andreas but it wasn't released in Europe until a few days later I think but the hype was unreal so the short wait was excrutiating. Social media killed forums for sure I remember checking out gs sw and even thats dead now. A lot of the internet kind of died and now its all centered around twittee, reddit, facebook etc theres only the odd forum that flourishes like Resetera and but thats astroturded to hell. I think the most epic time of systemwars has to be Zelda TP. That hype was insane. I still remember rando
  12. Theres a website that makes it quick and easy, its imgflip meme generator I think.
  13. Thats an understatement, the switch joycons+slab controller is the worst mainstream controller I've ever used it's horrendous I had to use the pro controller when I played it. You can tell its made for little sheeptot hands.
  14. Why is everyone taking jerrys bait and sperging over the screen still? What you said is reasonable. It could have been better. Switch now has an OLED but thats a revision, I'm sure the next Deck will have a better screen. Costs had to be cut somewhere to get the price down and they probably played the whole thing a little safe, but they'll no doubt take the feedback on board for the next model. It doesnt take away from everything the device has to offer. Thats just jerry desperately trying to find anything he can to attack with. Lets not forget how bad the o
  15. A hybrid lemming/sheep talking about dirty cash grabs
  16. This is what he's reduced to, he has nothing Game over, thanks for playing.
  17. Give it up Ghostz iphone sucks Apple gimps the entire system to give their own software an advantage. They are in some ways worse than Microsoft and I would never use those words lightly.
  18. I always wanted to see Halo die it really was the most overrated game of all time and a travesty that set the fps back years which took over a decade to start to recover from. Seeing it die like this I'm not sure how I feel. I wanted to see it go out with a bang and not a whimper you know?
  19. It's the Gamepass effect. Get used to netflix style lowbudget filler
  20. I knew Jerry would jerrygoround this the moment it was posted, he just can't help himself but have a meltdown in every steamdeck thread his butthurt at the idea of another handheld being on the market has been obvious since day one. "But but Valve worded sometjing like this" "but but teh colours" "he focuses on whatever he thinks he can, and sure maybe the steamdeck has some areas it could be improved in but the most important thing is the games which jerry avoids commenting on every time because steamdeck already has more games than Switch and it has better versions and more of th
  21. Jerry: *Makes a point and posts pics to prove it* Lemij: *Makes a point and posts pics to prove it* Jerry: *autistic screetching* I love how he has derailed this thread with a tangent on the one area where he thinks he has his "gotacha" moment. He picks up on one small line in the first post and uses that to justify his derailment rant....but thats exactly what he spent last week crying at substatic about, that he was focusing on one specific line in the post thus proving again what a massive hypocrite he is. Watch him Jerrysplain thi
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