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Everything posted by Casual

  1. So three games a year after the annual forza rehash? Yikes. 26 studios so each studio will be releasing one game every 7 years lmao? Considering only two of those studios are actually capable of a good game...yikes!!! that’s a one hot game every 4 year average and that’s so lammeeeeeeeee.
  2. Depends what you mean. like an actual baseline game? Probably a while, no one can be bothered to make a game exclusive for PC so they won’t take proper advantage of the hardware. im sure there’s a bunch of basement dwelling virgins out there working on an awesome mod with terrible optimization that only runs properly on video cards that will come out in 3 years though. I bet that’ll be dope for the 5 minutes you can play it before it crashes to desktop.
  3. Amazing. Definitely looks like more Dark Souls but I'm not complaining. FROM is the best dev of the past 15 years AINEC.
  4. Sad. Microsoft is where studios go to die. Microsoft couldn't compete in gaming so they've decided to just kill the whole industry instead. Shit on Sony for playing the same game all you want but at least when they buy studios they get output.
  5. At this rate by the time ES6 is released Xbox won't even exist outside of a windows app
  6. https://maximumfun.org/episodes/triple-click/prepare-for-a-weird-e3/
  7. Sony makes people buy shit a second time. MS doesn't even make you buy stuff once cause nothing they release is worth buying . MS is for the consumers.
  8. I thought the upgrade was free if you have ps4 version? Or is this some side story. either way can't wait to play. was shocked how good FF7R was considering the source material was shit.
  9. Control was ass tbh. Was beyond disappointed when I got it free on PS5 and realized how much it had been overhyped by the lemshits. Really puts into perspective how truly awful xbox is.
  10. cool I guess. I dunno though. Brad is good shit but he also kinda sucks at games. Vinny mostly just talks about playing games with his kid and Alex just talks about rockband all day. Could be good, could not be good. GB definitely had some of the only personalities in gaming that I cared to listen to, but the way they broke off kinda diluted the good ones in every direction. The GB A-team would probably be Jeff, Brad, Ryan and Dan but they're all in different spots now. I've been enjoying Dan's new podcast though.
  11. lmao. the new forza's remind me of back in the days on gamespot when lemmings used to cite NFL/NHL 2k5 as an AAAE.
  12. another one. sony is already creating an insurmountable gap.
  13. Okay. I’m not suggesting people with masters don’t generally get better jobs than people who don’t have them. Im saying that in many cases the education people there’s CSRs at my work making 60k, we require university education for any position. Do those CSRs make more than a lot of people with high school diplomas? Yes. That doesn’t change the fact that answering off the phone and reading a script isn’t something you need to go to university for (outside of the arbitrary job requirements).
  14. Because the higher education institutions are marketing geniuses. they convinced most kids from the late 80s and 90s that you’ll literally be a bum without a job if you don’t get a degree. Then so many of those kids went and got degrees that all but the most highly specialized ones had their value diminished to the point where they’re barely worth the paper their written on. More degrees than related job openings in most industries so what do people do? Go back to school to get an even higher education (masters, PhD, etc) and give the schools more money lmao. Self fulfil
  15. Even if this was true it would still come out before one of the 327 studios Microsoft bought releases a good game
  16. that 4k feed. also, the music is so good tlhbr
  17. hope XII it has better music than XI. XI was cool but man 80 hours of listening to that trash ass soundtrack really got me.
  18. Clippers lmao. Having PG as your 2nd option in the playoffs lmfao. Kawhi should bounce this offseason tbh. Go team up with Luka or Steph.
  19. 26 studios. 0 games lmfao. no wonder it's the system for inbred swamp dwellers, they spew the same type of shit as trump. "WE HAVE THE MOST STUDIOS, GREAT STUDIOS, WONDERFUL GAMES COMING, THE BEST!!!"
  20. ugh i wanna grab this so bad but i still need to beat returnal and Burning Crusade Classic is out soon which is gonna take most of my time. Figure by the time I get around to playing it there will be a solid discount. ME1 is so good though, I think I beat that game 3 times within the first couple weeks of release.
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