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Everything posted by Casual

  1. lol Flight Sim released last year on PC. Halo is a franchise on its last legs and what we've seen of Infinite is somehow worse than 4/5. Expecting anything good from 343...yikes. Forza, wow your annual sports game. Starfield will be a sub-75 bug fest but enjoy. Might be okay on PC once the bugs are fixed by modders...at least the Steam version.
  2. Should do a lot better than literally zero games
  3. Congrats man. And condolences, hope this marks the beginning of some more good things on your end.
  4. lol, as if sony needs those types of games to beat ms output. returnal and ratchet are enough to lock 2021 up before we're even in summer.
  5. I know it's been a rough morning for you lemshits but Sony keeps going BACK TO BACK.
  6. I for one hope the spoilers are true cause historically anything Twinblade likes is trash.
  7. oh btw guys, don't forget we have a STATE OF PLAY tonight for the next AAAE. ANOTHER ONE ANOTHER ONE, MS STILL AIN'T DID SHIT ABOUT THE OTHER ONES.
  8. https://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-series-x/the-medium lmao 71. wouldn't play that shit for free.
  9. This is bethesda, and that's a big ass if. this game will be in the 70s on MC. Feel free to bump this when that happens.
  10. Thank god for Sony and Nintendo. Out here proving that at the end of the day, quality games will always top some bargain bin netflix knockoff.
  11. pretty shit offering. not holding my breath for BFVI at this point, shame what happened to the franchise.
  12. Geez. Just thinking how buggy and shit Bethesda games are when they release on their own timetable, can't imagine how terrible this will be when MS rushes it out. Also, exclusive to Xbox!? So we won't even have the usual benefit of modders fixing the game for us.
  13. Okay so as usual Forza is the only good game on xbox lmao.
  14. don't forget the 2018, acclaimed dragon quest builders 2!!!
  15. Switch already has Monster Hunter Rise, early GOTY contender. Just got a meaty update last night with another planned for next month. Pokemon Snap is coming out this week and already looks like a banger. PS5 has Returnal coming out Friday, which looks absolutely amazing based on unanimously glowing previews, headed straight for the 88-91 range on Meta. Ratchet and Clank coming in just over a month, arguably the first true next gen experience poised to take full advantage of the Dualsense and SSD. What's happening on the Xbox side?
  16. Looks solid. Loved the first, played through it so many times. Gonna watch some reviews but I'll probably wait on this one, MHR still taking up a lot of my time and if I do get a new game this week it'll likely be Returnal. Those two should carry me through till TBC Classic.
  17. update looks great. goty gets better.
  18. between this and returnal lemmings are in for a shitty few months. luckily they're used to it.
  19. Looks cool. Not really familiar with the style of these ones but will have to check it out.
  20. works fine. my ps5 has been in rest mode for the last 3 months.
  21. lmao this isn't an xbox game 85+, book it.
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