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Everything posted by Casual

  1. awesome. extending the playtime of an incredible game 🙂
  2. No shit. Anyone who's not fucking retarded knew this lol.
  3. eh, they touch on this in the episode. they do quick looks as opposed to reviews deliberately, both for the well being of their staff and because they've done the analytics and everything showed quick looks were more desired/larger ROI.
  4. Damn. End of an era tbh. Really the only gaming personalities I cared to keep up with at this point. Still listen to the bombcast weekly and their GOTY stuff is always a great listen. Jeff is probably the guy who’s views I tend to align with the most. all 3 of them seem like good dudes. I didn’t keep up with beastcast as much, Vinny and Alex are cool but never really aligned with their view of games. Brad is a mystery cause I dunno how someone could play games for that long and be so bad at them. Good dude though and provided a bit of a structure for the site/podcast cause otherwise
  5. I see this narrative a lot and don’t get it. Yeah, we’re getting to the point of diminishing returns and the improvements we see tend to be a bit more subtle and all that. That said, It’s a far far more impressive gap than PS3>PS4 or X360>X1 was. Even just strictly talking about image quality/performance. Getting into other things like loading times, etc and it’s really not even close. anyway, everyone knows that the games that come out in the first year end up looking last gen in comparison to the stuff we end up getting down the line.
  6. Some of these challenge rooms are fucking hard
  7. Also, fwiw sounds like they may be open to the fix. To me, it’s kinda inconvenient but I’m also not playing anything else on PS5 so the rest mode works fine. That said, the rest mode is such an easy workaround that if I were then I’d just include the save. regardless, if that’s the only thing holding you up, just get it. It hasn’t been an issue for me. I guess if you’re the type of person that wants to play returnal for 30 minutes, switch to something else on your PS5, and then come back, it’s problematic. But if that’s you then you’re a weirdo.
  8. Damn 2017 was stacked. for me BotW Hollow Knight Yakuza 0 Persona 5 Axiom Verge SMO D:OS2 HZD RE7 Nioh
  9. there’s definitely some things I’d like to carry over. The first biome is basically what I’d imagine a darker take on Tallon Overworld from Prime would be. If they could pull of the snappy gameplay while maintaining that metroidvania feel and progression system it’d definitely be something. Obviously would need to make a lot of concessions on switch hardware for that to happen. Still though, this game is the closest I’ve had to capturing that alone on a mysterious planet feeling that Metroid does so well.
  10. honestly i love that sony allowed these guys to make a $70 roguelike. this games is bananas.
  11. Huh, is it? Didnt even know. I'll look into that then, thanks! I did trade my DS4 in with my PS4 but I'm sure I can get one fairly cheap.
  12. Man I really wanna play It Takes Two with the wife but I also don't want to spend $100 on a fucking second dualsense.
  13. We'll see. I do think Returnal is a bit too niche to really garner a bunch of GOTY awards. REVIII is definitely more well positioned there. We still don't know what's out there for Fall-Winter though. Not expecting a whole lot, first year for the consoles + covid. But should be at least a couple contenders.
  14. Eh, I hope I'm wrong and admittedly I haven't kept up too much with footage and didn't play the demos. But RE7 really did not do it for me. Cool game, no where near as cool as RE2 though. Hopefully they've refined the style. I will say that the setting is a lot more intriguing from my limited look at the game.
  15. yeah but the default is the white male man. so it like...doesn't count. why isn't the default a black trans woman????? YASSSSSSSSSSS QUEEN SLAY.
  16. you mean devs don't want to be forced to put their game on a charity streaming service for pennies a month?
  17. god this game is so good. https://kotaku.com/sorry-your-cis-white-woman-protagonist-isn-t-progressi-1846792503
  18. Yeah, did a quick cycle of returnal and I can already tell I’m gonna love it. Everything is super smooth and responsive. DualShock feels great. Really atmospheric. Gonna sink my teeth in in the morning.
  19. Everything they put out on Twitter and stuff said 2 indies and ratchet and clank lol. what company is that specific in their YouTube video name?
  20. i mean tbf they were pretty explicit about that
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