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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Guess I won't get anymore Beta time in. Game was great though. Undecided about getting it at launch since I don't want to play anything but the BR, might wait to get it on a discount. We'll see I guess.
  2. It's up there for me. BotW Bloodborne Witcher Probably just short of those for me.
  3. Nah, there's no SNES game. I probably won't even bother with the service. There's no good online games on the Switch anyway and no one wants to play NES games in 2018 lmao.
  4. Yeah but that becomes a problem when they don't offer an alternative, good service. Nintendo needs someone else to hire a team that can do this stuff. They're lost when it comes to anything but making games.
  5. IX is the only FF of those that might be worth playing even if you're a weaboo. 7 was overrated even before it aged like Obama in a during his presidency. X and Xii are just...YUCK.
  6. Nintendo is so shit sometimes. The NES game thing is just baffling. No one wants to play 8 bit trash in 2018. At least do SNES.
  7. lmao oh man and its not even animal crossing just an animal crossing character in smash.
  8. There better be something good at the end of this shit
  9. Cities Skylines is running at 10fps.
  10. god the online is so pathetic. 60 bucks for NES controllers lmao. Luigi's Mansion the only good thing so far.
  11. Yeah, I'm digging it so far. It's a far better version of PubG. I like the smaller map, the game is quicker and there isn't as much chance of having a boring midgamee. Game time and pace is closer to Fortnite. The gadgets are cool for the most part, vehicles serve their purpose, and the class skills or w/e are nice. My only complaints are that the sound of your own footsteps is way too high, and it's a little annoying to pick stuff up...I assume that can be tuned though. Also I have no idea what guns are good cause I haven't played CoD in years.
  12. For sure, probably have a chance to play some tonight. It's been getting very positive feedback from streamers who mostly play BRs though fwiw. Not a CoD fan myself.
  13. Post here if you want one. If you're a lemcel don't bother tho. PS4 codes btw
  14. I wanna try the BLOPS Blackout beta but can't really justify preordering...
  15. yeah your incel ass is too stupid for CS anyway.
  16. literally anything in the FPS category of steam. take your pick. why would anyone who can play CS GOAT wanna play fucking halo 5 lmao.
  17. why would anyone on pc want to play halo 5 lmao. there's like 800 superior shooters on that platform.
  18. and still time to spend your day concerned with a bunch of shit that probably has no impact on your life. and a self identified right wing. yup, you're a loser.
  19. lmao fucking incels who never went to university bitching about how it has become a safe space.
  20. There's vehicles yeah. Helicopters and shit. BFV version seems kinda lame tbh, won't even be ready at launch and it's only squad based. Cant do solo or duos.
  21. Streamers already raving over it. It's like PUBG without the jank.
  22. lets keep it a buck though, Lara Croft being "exclusive" to Xbox is the closest lemcels have been to a girlfriend
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