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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Odd how not a single one of them is overweight. Being a group of redneck white slobs you'd think you would see at least one.. but they are probably fresh off the Quantico training grounds.
  2. I'll only play it cause it's on gamepass
  3. @kaz review this one bitch
  4. How can you have racism if no one is a racist? You treat different races differently for the benefit of some and not others. You want to end racism by acting in a racist fashion.
  5. Lmao another fake rally 🤣 Read the whole thread, it's hilarious. Fake accounts popping up with fake photos telling journalists to go check out this fake rally full of people wearing costumes
  6. Yeah western democratic values are pretty damn good when you compare it to anything else. I'd like to keep it. How about you? And take your equity and shove it up your ass. Equality is the only true fair way to have a non racist society.
  7. Lost In Space is fucking awesome. I ignored it because I thought it would be goofy and lame. Completely wrong, its really good
  8. Who said I wasn't? I thought Hannity fawning over the clown to be repulsive. Not sure why you are trying to make this about Trump when I was never a supporter of Trump.
  9. You changed the subject for what reason? I was against Trump in 2016 and the entire election. I was pissed off at the media for giving him an endless spotlight. That's why he won. He was good for their ratings and that's all they cared about.
  10. https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/1efe794b-4d55-ec11-9820-e42aac7a5303 Cygnus and Draco. The final battle
  11. uhhh.. the entire MSM was campaigning for Biden bro. Anyways, thats not the point of this at all. Its about using your position at a major news network to help a relative who is under investigation for sexual misconduct. Nothing to do with promoting someone. Its a major conflict of interest. No one at Fox news or wherever is a brother of Donald Trump. Nice try though. whaddabout!! 😭
  12. Does it have holes to fuck?
  13. Yeah those tiny tits and a 6 pack isn't really hot on a woman. Her torso is so fucking long
  14. https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/56b70817-e953-ec11-9820-e42aac7a5303 Through Time
  15. It feels like a clips show. These songs are like a minute long lol
  16. I feel bad for her... But seriously why even have a mic if you're not even holding it to your mouth half the time?
  17. Don't need to be. I'm awesome.
  18. Using his position in the news media to help his Governor brother? Yeah no issue there
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