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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Omg god forbid he goes against NORMS!! We. Must. Protect. The. Norms!! Lmao you're such a stooge. All of a sudden in 2024? Probably because I liked Obama and didn't want him to get primaried and Trump had no serious contender.
  2. He's got fucked up vocal chords but will still do over 3 hours on Rogan and 2 hours with Maher. I'd like to see Biden on one or these. Maybe talk beyond the scripted talking points. Might be helpful.
  3. Yup, sounds like a republican. Anti corruption, fucking republican, how dare he! Man these far right positions are next level NAZI
  4. isnt Tomb Raider the uncharted Rival? Well actually Uncharted is just a clone of Tomb Raider. I guess they could create a game called Undiscovered or something and have it be just like Tomb Raider (with a black non binary transmasculine she/them for diversity reasons obviously)
  5. a spoiler candidate? Hes fucking running in a primary, Not 3rd party. Cornell West is a spoiler candidate. and so is that No Labels party. You don't even know your own electoral system. Just because Biden won last election does not mean he has the right to run uncontested. Do you want democracy or not?
  6. Hey genius. Two things can be true at the same time. 1 Trump is unpredictable and wreckless which would probably prevent Putin from invading Ukraine during his presidency. 2 Biden is a Warhawk (he has a very long history of voting for every single intervention possible) but he is also predictable and did not take the steps necessary to protect Ukraine before the invasion like accept them into NATO.
  7. Self loathing. I'm starting to think you have no idea what that even means. 😂
  8. Except he has virtually zero right wing beliefs. That would be a terrible thing for him to become president. Ending oil exploration? Ending corporate corruption? LGBTQ rights? Anti war? Yeah sounds like a great pick for conservatives ya dumb twat.
  9. Yes you brought up Joe Biden is much better president while Russia is invading Ukraine because he didn't take the threat seriously and is weak and Putin knows it and that's why he invaded. THANK YOU BASED BIDEN. Keep sucking his old withered pedo cock Jerry. Maybe he might give you a little squirt if your soft mouth pleases him.
  10. How am i "loathing myself" Jerry? You are a buffoon.
  11. Why do you keep mentioning self loathing? Explain this. It doesn't make anysense whatsoever.
  12. Fake news. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-titanic-titan-oceangate-submersible-682439078251
  13. Hey Jerry, what do Biden's farts taste like?
  14. You're still doing it. lmao you're such a loser. You just can't accept Putin invaded BECAUSE of Biden. But thank goodness Biden is president. lmao
  15. Why do you talk in the third person like you're talking to someone else that isn't even here. I'm right here Jerry. Self loathing? Wtf are you even babbling about? Why didn't Putin invade during the 4 years orange man was on the throne? Why did he take Crimea under Obama and eastern Ukraine under Biden?
  16. Lmao Russia wouldn't even have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president you knob. Putin see Biden as an inept weak old buffoon. Trump is far less predictable and wreckless.
  17. Trump should Nuke Russia. He moved the nuke button to mar a lago
  18. What does Biden have to do with anything of this? I'm trying to understand what you're saying.
  19. not sure how you can't see the difference between lines on a map and people not dying over it.
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