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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. I prefer Breitling but whatever floats your boat.
  2. Didn't they force apple to adopt usb c too?
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned It's hilarious how stupid people are. It's great to be tolerant and accept people but you also must understand it comes with a cost. Islam is the most conservative religion on earth. They are not friends to liberals if they are religious Muslims.
  4. So thats a no then? Its all you gotta say man. You don't have to keep creating these narratives for me.
  5. I dunno.. the MSM does run pretty good cover for Biden. Let's wait and see.
  6. We get rainbow boxes and cans in Canada. They are quite hideous to behold. Now the looks match the taste.
  7. I've had no framerate issues with everything maxxed at 1080p
  8. It's great on my PC but on steam deck it starts off fine then after 45 minutes or so the frame rates start to drop and gets slow as fuck and I have to reboot the game
  9. Think of all the loot you missed by skipping all those radiant chests in those little dungeons you didn't go in 🙂
  10. 53 🙂 i have a very good synergistic build with my Storm Druid
  11. I'm finally starting act 3 lol. I found every lillith altar in fractured peaks and scosglen.
  12. Trump should pay the price. So should Fauci and Collins and Daszack. The scientists that restarted GOF and created the coverup by using scientific magazines to sway people into thinking it was simply a natural spillover event.
  13. Ummm do you think this is a gotcha? Lmao I don't care which president ended the ban on GOF. I do care about the lies and coverups though. If it's Trump's fault why did the Biden administration try to hard to deflect it to the wet market? That's a weird one. Probably because Trump said it came from a Chinese lab and everyone who doesn't like Trump must do and say the opposite thing at all costs.
  14. Should the US involve itself in every border dispute on planet earth? Do you really think your country is some benevolent angel that only does good? No country has killed more people around the world in the last 60 years than the US. And find, go ahead and invade Canada. Deliver us from our dictator Trudeau.
  15. You are talking about russospheric states. Ukraine was part of Russia for hundreds of years, it was just another area of Russia. Ukraine has been a country for less than 30 years and has a very large Russian population (the part that has been invaded). Meanwhile the US spreads it's democracy to whom ever it pleases. You know what was in those documents Trump has? The US DoD plans to invade Iran. Weird how almost no one cares when the US spreads itself across the globe. The act of having the documents is more important than what's in them. Great priorities guys. And ju
  16. American teams tend to have more Canadian players than Canadian teams. We use too many Swedish players in Vancouver, they can score but are usually soft as fuck and terrible playoff players
  17. It has now been 30 years since a Canadian team has won the cup. Statistically this is becoming very unlikely. The law of averages says a Canadian team should win once every 4-5 years 🤣
  18. You seriously have the brain capacity of a 9th grader.
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