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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. If you can find me a 2 fan 12gb unit for 350 Canadian I'll take it.
  2. Cooke

    Elliot Page

    So you don't think there is any kind of mental illness here? Chopping off your arm because you feel it doesn't belong would be totally normal for you too? Why would a reasonable person with all their mental facalties want to remove their functioning sex organs which also produce the hormones for a healthy functioning body and replace it with non functioning, no feeling, leg skin or arm skin fuck stick that require a manual pump to make hard? Does anyone even want to be fucked by that? Lmao. We need to go back to treating gender dysphoria as a dysphoria not a lifestyle. We don't pr
  3. I have a 6gb unit now and have never run out of vram. Chill. I'm sticking with 1080p for at least a couple more years.
  4. Cooke

    Elliot Page

    Did you know they require a manual pump that makes them "erect"?
  5. Alright so Im picking up a rx 6700 10gb today. That 12gb unit is too big for my case, needs to be a 2 fan model.
  6. Cooke

    Elliot Page

    I wonder if Elliot has one 🤣
  7. Is it easy to get battle net on there ?
  8. Yes. I wish they didn't make the Druid so fucking hideous though lol.
  9. Yeah.. I found a 6700xt 12gb on FB marketplace for 300. I might jump on that
  10. Why is the rx7600 so much cheaper than the 4060? Is it really that much worse?
  11. But we must be compassionate and let them suffer on the streets as they wish! It's cruel to actually give them treatment. Think of the TRAUMA!!!
  12. No one else found the animation to look janky as fuck?
  13. Cooke

    Elliot Page

    Growing up it was a derogatory word for gay people. So what does it mean now? Can I use the N word and be supportive of black people? Who got to decide what the word meant?
  14. Oh yeah and the fake women having period cramps despite not having any female anatomy lmao
  15. 2024 Democratic Presidential Nomination CNN Biden 60, Kennedy 20, Williamson 8
  16. Cooke

    Elliot Page

    I thought he was trans. Explain "queer".
  17. So devs are just getting lazier and lazier with PC games?
  18. Cooke

    Elliot Page

    He aged 15 years in 3 lol.
  19. Yes bigger number is better.. and bigger price too. I literally just play dota 2 and diablo 4 on PC lol. D4 runs alright on the 2060 but it has its moments
  20. I do. I'm not upgrading my monitor anytime soon. I have a 30" ultra wide 1080p 200hz
  21. Cooke

    Elliot Page

    Hard to believe this is the same person. He definitely doesn't look healthy as a "man".
  22. Nazis also said the sky was blue.
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