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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2023/04/nintendo-announces-indie-world-showcase-for-tomorrow-april-19th-2023
  2. Maybe he didn't like having to do a land acknowledgement everytime he entered the building and wear a name tag displaying his preferred pronouns.
  3. Sure bud. Priests are disgusting pedophiles using a made up sky god to prey on children. But go ahead and tell me what I think.
  4. You said you wanted my entire family to burn in a house fire dude lol
  5. I'd love to light a pile of priests and drag queens fucking each other on fire.
  6. Actually it's the left that hates me
  7. Not my fault the left has gone insane. I haven't changed. It's shitty now logic, anti war, and self determination comes from conservative figures. Perhaps the left shouldn't have abandoned liberal principals for nutcase ones. Men getting men pregnant, millions of genders, vaccine mandates, drag shows for toddlers, war mongering, end of free speech etc.
  8. Lol nevermind. I see the other thread that is stupidly titled. 🤣
  9. Why is everyone right wing if they don't agree with you? Most of my beliefs would be liberal and center left.
  10. Only if they are queer, queer adjacent, queer ally, or forced to or else be fired.
  11. I don't mind 30 if its deadlocked with perfect frame pacing.
  12. Ah but he did use he/him on his twitter profile. So he's pretty much queer.
  13. It has been updated multiple times to include all of that.
  14. I love booting up cold war and then I have to wait a half hour for it to compile shaders after downloading a 5gb patch.
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