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Life is often not fair. Please take COVID seriously.

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Sometimes life takes good people too early and soon an ex of mine who was amazing will lose her battle with COVID. 


In just under six days she went from a vibrant, smart, beautiful woman to a coma, on dialysis, and hourly blood transfusions.  


She is the world to her kids and her oldest is special needs whom his mom is his best friend.  I can't imagine what he is going through right now.  


She texted me a couple of weeks ago saying she was going to a birthday party.  I told her not to go because that's how people get sick.  She assured me she would be careful., that's the last time I heard from her.  


Her name is Charity.

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that's awful man. sorry to hear that :(  covid is so unpredictable. i've seen it do nothing to 70 year-olds in poor health...and i've seen it kill healthy 30-somethings. most people will get flu-like symptoms and will lose taste/smell (co-worker hasn't got her taste/smell back in 6 months - just found out today). so yeah, you never know how it's going to react with your body. again, sorry to hear your ex is one of the unlucky ones. i hope things miraculously turn around. 

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51 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

this unholy Chinese Virus seems to affect people completely differently, eh? No telling what it will do.


So far only thing I can find and confirm is:


Any blood type other than O has a bad time

Vitamin D deficient people have a terrible time probably due to respiratory complications

Old and immune compromised people have a bad time


If you're type O blood, young to middle aged and not deficient in Vitamin D you're probably walking around spreading this shit without symptoms. So not much good news there either


Edited by Vini
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