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How the fuck is this CNN anchor only 35?

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1 minute ago, Bodycount_ said:

trump's 70+, it's safe to say the erection-killing effects of finasteride have no bearing on him. 







SheepKilla is either 70+ or his dick doesn't work either. 

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that is an awesome online mp game name 

Eh, I think it comes down to confidence. There’s a guy in the news room who is short and bald, and has a gorgeous/intelligent wife. He’s one of the coolest dudes I know. Funny af. 

after 6 months on it:   turns the consistency of your jizz to straight up water no more goo (they tell you this happens to everyone and i knew this going in) Occasionally got hit with t

and then when you go online and read the horror stories from young guys who say they NEVER recovered, and their lives are ruined, it just isn't worth it.


Thank God i recovered. But it was the first time in my life i could see why people would off themselves. 2 weeks with burning nuts and weak erections at 28 years old would do that to any young man


evil drug

Edited by Bodycount_
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Dermarollers are supposed to be good for your hair.  Coconut oil has a unique molecule structure that penetrates the hair and strengthens it from within apparently unlike most other oils that just sit on the exterior of your hair.  Doing the Dermaroller treatment and then doing a Coconut oil hair mask is probably worth a try.  I doubt it has any major side effects.

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26 minutes ago, Bodycount_ said:

and then when you go online and read the horror stories from young guys who say they NEVER recovered, and their lives are ruined, it just isn't worth it.


Thank God i recovered. But it was the first time in my life i could see why people would off themselves. 2 weeks with burning nuts and weak erections at 28 years old would do that to any young man


evil drug

These are grifters attempting to make money with vague claims of feeling off.


Any side effects are temporary, and you aren't supposed to take this once in a while. Once you take it, each day you are supposed to take it each day at a set time. 

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37 minutes ago, Bodycount_ said:

@SheepKilla try to take a week or two off of it and see if anything happens. i didn't really feel anything until i 'stopped', that's when the sides really kicked in after i had built some dependence on it.


its just not natural to be playing around with shit like this.

If I take a week or two off, then I'd have to reset my entire system for no reason. You aren't supposed to go in and out with this hormone stuff, you are supposed to either take it every day, or never.  


The only side effects I had was an 'off' headache feeling, and admittedly lower sex drive/erection (not none, just lower than normal). I emphasize these side effects for me were completely were TEMPORARY after regular and proper use for a month. At this point my drive is at its old levels, and is very insatiable, with no difference. 


I don't know what happened with your case. Feeling stinging in your crotch is definitely not normal.


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44 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


SheepKilla is either 70+ or his dick doesn't work either. 

I find it hilarious how you don't question anything about the vaccine, but an actual FDA approved drug is a conspiracy that kills peoples' libidos. 


It is a temporary effect, lmfao. 

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52 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

I find it hilarious how you don't question anything about the vaccine, but an actual FDA approved drug is a conspiracy that kills peoples' libidos. 


It is a temporary effect, lmfao. 


It's FDA approved with known side effects like the ones Bodycount spelled out.  If you're ok to trade off all that for some hair on your head then by all means do you :drake:

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1 hour ago, Angelfish said:

Dermarollers are supposed to be good for your hair.  Coconut oil has a unique molecule structure that penetrates the hair and strengthens it from within apparently unlike most other oils that just sit on the exterior of your hair.  Doing the Dermaroller treatment and then doing a Coconut oil hair mask is probably worth a try.  I doubt it has any major side effects.

none of that will help. the only FDA approved drugs with science behind them are minoxodil (rogaine) and finasteride.


those 2 and surgical hair transplants are the only 3 real options.

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

So Finasteride is taken to stop hair loss and make guys more confident when dating but at the same time it lowers your sex drive thus lowering your desire to date and pursue women....where is the benefit? :ben: 

That seems to be a side effect in a very small percentage. 

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

That seems to be a side effect in a very small percentage. 


Common side effects may include:


loss of interest in sex;


trouble having an orgasm; or

abnormal ejaculation.


Common sounds like more than just a 'very small' percentage


Then theres this here, which backs up what bodycount was saying



The sexual side effects of finasteride may continue after you stop taking finasteride. 


Yeah....no thanks.

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33 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Common side effects may include:


loss of interest in sex;


trouble having an orgasm; or

abnormal ejaculation.


Common sounds like more than just a 'very small' percentage


Then theres this here, which backs up what bodycount was saying



Yeah....no thanks.

common side effects doesnt mean most people have these side effects, it means these are the most common of the side effects. 

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9 hours ago, Bodycount_ said:

after 6 months on it:


turns the consistency of your jizz to straight up water no more goo (they tell you this happens to everyone and i knew this going in)

Occasionally got hit with the feeling i got kicked in the nuts

feeling like you need to pee a few more drops even after your done pissing



what really scared the shit out of me was the 'crash' after stopping cold turkey:


2 weeks after i stopped:


Erections almost impossible

Burning/aching feeling in nuts that lasted constantly for 2 weeks

jizzing on a delay (I'd feel like i was jizzing but nothing would come out)

orgasms not as strong


thankfully after 2 - 3 weeks i went back to normal, i knew immediately when the drug was out of my system because i woke up with a fierce morning wood fit for a teenager, and started jizzing real goo again. pain in my nuts subsided as well


it's a drug that shrinks your prostate and reduces ejaculate volumes as such. No matter what anyone says, that's what it does. It's real medical use is shrinking inflated prostates in geriatric old men and in doing so it helps them piss normally again. the hair regrowth effect was only found later, but it makes sense that by shrinking the brain of your male reproductive system, it in turn SHUTS OFF the TESTOSTERONE responsible for causing baldness. also makes sense with all sides i had.


keep in mind before and after the drug i could jizz like a jack-rabbit, 3 times a day.


complete castration drug. and yeah they tell you if you want to have kids, discontinue use for atleast 1 year prior to conception


no shit, you won't be able to fucking cum:reg:




Damn bro. That’s crazy af!!!! I’m glad shit went back to normal for you! 

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3 hours ago, Twinblade said:


Common side effects may include:



abnormal ejaculation.



that is an awesome online mp game name 

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15 hours ago, Bodycount_ said:

and yet i had every one of those sides.


it's documented fact. I know what happened, i felt it. it was not psychological


was a fucking nightmare

Can you tell me:


1) What amount of time period were you taking it overall? How many weeks/months?

2) How many scheduled times did you take it (1/day, 2/day, 1/week, random, etc) 


When I took it, I had lower than normal sexual libido for the 1st month, and a slight dizziness/headache feeling. The dizziness went away after 2 weeks, and sexual stuff was fully restored after 3-4 weeks. I've now been taking it for about a year and don't regret it. 

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3 hours ago, SheepKilla said:

Can you tell me:


1) What amount of time period were you taking it overall? How many weeks/months?

2) How many scheduled times did you take it (1/day, 2/day, 1/week, random, etc) 


When I took it, I had lower than normal sexual libido for the 1st month, and a slight dizziness/headache feeling. The dizziness went away after 2 weeks, and sexual stuff was fully restored after 3-4 weeks. I've now been taking it for about a year and don't regret it. 

6 months, ~1.25 mg a day. i had the generic 5mg finasteride pill you have to cut into 4 pieces


i took one little quarter of a pill every day


i've seen some hair transplant doctors say to only take it 3 times a week, but most people take it every day. While i was on it honestly the side effects weren't too bad, it was when i quit taking it i could tell something was very wrong. your body builds up a dependence on it on when it's out of your system some wierd shit can happen


i'd ween off of it gradually if you ever come off. don't quit cold turkey, gradually reduce the dose


after all the reports of guys saying it permanently ruined their sex drive there has to be some truth to it. there's no way it's all make believe



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