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  1. Past hour
  2. True. Though, the only boss in old hunters that made me want to murder someone was Orphan of Kos. God, I hated him….until I learned his pattern. Then he was easy. That’s Soulsborne in a nutshell lol.
  3. I didn't post here then dumbo. Nice to see yall suck so bad at this that you landed on post count The last resort when you get butchered, like we all haven't been here the same amount of time 3 vs 1 and you still got BTFU
  4. Today
  5. What the actual fuck, this site was basically dead for a few of those years with only Jimbo posting pictures of his dog and his dick. JonB must of been arguing with himself on here.
  6. Imo the base games are nothing aside from that first playthrough of Sekiro. I don’t think this is rage quitting and leaving a negative review hard thus far, but it’s typical From DLC hard and Elden Ring brought in a lot of people that played From’s easiest game and are getting introduced to what their DLC usually is.
  7. This expansion has bosses that make the older games feel easy af. 1 and 2 shot deaths are common. They are also spongy. Unless you truly are “gud”, this expansion will turn off some players. I personally found the first 4 main bosses to be standard fare. However, there’s a main one and a side one that turned me out I get so close to beating the main one, but I think I need more buffs.
  8. Do people still suck at Souls games or this is actually, genuinely hard? DeS, DS1, Bloodborne, those games aren't shit tbh. Beat all the Souls games offline with no help, except for DS3 but I don't care because that game sucked.
  9. I don't even know her. I also never said that about trans and brown people having more power? WTF are you smoking? Comical cartoon like view of the world. You need to talk to better people. What, you never met a right leaning person that isn't a complete caricature of what you just described? Yeah, get better friends. This is pretty fucking stupid. One stupid topic you got from posts on X at a time please. This is too much non important events for me to process all at once. It was sarcasm. Stonetoss?
  10. That second boss in shadow keep I think I'll do a bit more exploring and come back later, good fucking god lol
  11. In 5 days she was interviewed by Gavin McGuinness, Alex Stein, InfoWars, plus others, and invited to two different conservative political action conferences. Again, All she said was the N word. Not a single conservative talking head said a mean or mildly critical thing about it. Hell, many defended her saying by demanding black people stop using it first. Like that's how slurs work and white people haven't been consistently creating new racial slurs ever few years. And it's not about being granted special privileges for being racist, but the spectrum of racism many if not most conservatives a
  12. For someone who doesn't care about selling games, you have a knack for picking up shit that are/will increasing in prices.
  13. lmao that god damn first boss in the shadow keep killed me 5 times before I managed to actually land a hit
  14. The level and artistic design are stellar. The imbalance with the bosses is a bit weird. I came across another boss, who is supposed be fought later in the game, and beat him on my first shot lol. ER was the same way. I thought Godrick was way easier than Morgot, despite Morgot being the first.
  15. Yes you make posts about movie games too that you hate.
  16. Let's not forget I make posts about games , too . While all of your posts are strictly about other men You come here specifically for me. OverCrush , LGBTnux3 and Gouk❤️Men
  17. Yes remy, everyone on the right is a bigot of some kind. Dropping the n word automatically grants you high status from conservatives everywhere around the world. And all leftists are trans lesbians freaking out over climate change and genders segregated bathrooms/sports.
  18. Trump will fall in line for Isreal like all the rest.
  19. They aren't even trying to hide their complete contempt for Palestinians civilians lives. It's so absurd.
  20. Yesterday
  21. Another ISIS attack in Russia? Crazy shit.
  22. Nope, that’s just the amount of damage control you have to do everyday for Xflop.
  23. Of course my post count is higher. Theres 3 or 4 or you obsessing over me at once
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