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  1. Past hour
  2. It's bad enough that he was corrected by my French ass. Tears of the Cuck HBR
  3. Did you just call Blizzard a c-tier dev? Hahaha. Man, old school Blizzard was so fucking cool. Even early Wow days were excellent. Here, this is to the memory of the real Blizz. When their shit used to be cool.
  4. Why are you downplaying entertainment having these kind of groups and hires? It's also the corporation world and most of the mainstream media. It's not exactly a secret. Denial much?
  5. No, those groups are writing public policy, advising school districts, and advocating for public funds to be divested from public education and used to fund private schools, and at home schooling. But yes, women with small breast or a hanging belly in Fortnight is very important and we should be worried about it.
  6. Game is really solid so far. Combat definitely has a learning curve, but when all the mechanics come together and click its quite satisfying. The soundtrack is pretty great too
  7. Oh sweetheart you are forgetting about independents that are the largest group now.
  8. Today
  9. Complete non-argument that has nothing to do with the topic. Those groups aren't getting hired to dictate what type of content is politically correct or not in video games studios.
  10. Google any old video. Beach video , whatever. Fat people are almost non existent. If we saw some of the fat people today in like the 70s or 80s they would be sideshow freaks. It's so common to see massively obese lard ass people everyday that it's just become normal. It's gross. In no way at all should we promote unhealthy living. Sure I'm not saying be mean to fat people but if you are friends w or have family that are fat slobs do something about it.
  11. Who cares. If you're a fan of hip-hop then Nas is still putting out great music. That's relevant. Fuck them kids (no Diddy).
  12. I said it was rare, not that it didn't exist. They were a tiny minority. Now its half the population. Do you not see a problem here? Should we really be encouraging fat positivity? No. Not if you actually care about people's well being beyond hurt feelings.
  13. I don’t think he’s saying that. It’s just nas, em, and jay aren’t starting new trends these days
  14. Fuck that. The 'King's Disease' and 'Magic' albums are great.
  15. Besides lil nas x, I’d love to know who Remys favorite rappers are currently @Mr. Impossible
  16. If people don’t want to change their lifestyle for the better that’s on them but the worst is the whole ‘healthy at any size’ movement. How delusional do you have to be to think you’re somehow healthy while morbidly obese.
  17. Where did 1p touch you . Oh wait , it hasn't because it doesn't exist
  18. i like those 1p man movies.
  19. the spam bot is glitching out
  20. If I was a fat asshole, I wouldn't be celebrating it. Fuck body positivity and fuck fat people. And keep moving goal posts bitch. Yeah like communists storming your house have a lot to do with body positivity.
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