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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-07-14 in Posts

  1. the steam deck definitely has a premium feel to it. the buttons and joycons feel so damn good. i actually dig the size of it. it reminds me of my switch with the hori pro joycons, except it's way sturdier.
    2 points
  2. There's a lot more going on with the story and characters than I remembered or expected. I feel like the show must have been pretty ambitious for its time.
    1 point
  3. Yup. Also, you’ll see where From gets its finale inspirations from, specifically seasons 1 and 3.
    1 point
  4. I think the cooking theme is interesting. I might check it out at some point. BTW, I started Lost. What a coincidence that Boyd is in this
    1 point
  5. So The Bear reminds me of The Wire, in the sense it took me 3 eps to connect with it. Both shows also took multiple attempts to get into (The Wire took 3!). So far, The Bear is a tasty dish, feeling closer to the 5 star experience it was hyped to be. Also, I know I mentioned the slick editing, but damn….the color grading for the nighttime scenes is an optical orgasm.
    1 point
  6. I remember a lot of people loving season 1. I tried to watch it, a while back, but its frenetic first impression was too much for me. It reminded me of my restaurant years. But, I’m curious to see where it goes now that the characters are slowly developing. I started re-watching it because I hear the Christmas dinner episode (season 2) is one of the best pieces of television.
    1 point
  7. I was surprised to see IGN give the 2nd season of that show a perfect 10. I had never even heard about it until I saw their review.
    1 point
  8. When I have more time, holy fuck cows are gonna get destroyed. this is epic.
    1 point
  9. While The Bear isn’t grabbing me yet, the filming and editing are top notch.
    1 point
  10. Cool art direction, interesting story, whack gameplay. Combat got stale real quick because the game uses a very heavy Rock/Paper/Scissor system.
    1 point
  11. never did unfortunately so not a good reference point for me. that said, it is kind of split between management and more "action". the management portion happens in your sushi restaurant at night where you're setting a menu, managing hiring, setup, and serving. the "action" portion happens during the day where you get two chances to dive (morning and afternoon), during which you can prioritize a number of different activities. You're limited by the amount of oxygen your tank can hold, how deep your suit can go, and how much you can carry back to the surface - all of which you upgra
    1 point
  12. Finished FFXVi the other day - honestly the highest compliment I can give it is that I finished, for a (mostly) linear 3rd person action experience of that length that's a rarity and more than I can say for games like GoW:R, TLOU2, etc. Overall I thought it was great with combat, visuals and music being a stand out. Maybe the best audiovisual experience in gaming, atm. Was thinking about doing NG+ but a lot in the backlog as it is so hard to dedicate the time. That said if they do DLC I'll be there. Currently in my top 5-10 for the year. With that out of the way I'm back to a bunch
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. A big, bulky, loud, and hot handheld that can’t ran most newer games above low settings? Yeah that’s quite the engineering marvel…
    0 points
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