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Everything posted by Alphonse

  1. I be worried if you wasn't wrong 90% of the time
  2. I feel like we doing that actor dirty by comparing him to DC
  3. I'm actually replaying it on my n64 right now
  4. I think vita > switch for emulation. Vita, ps1, psp games out of the box and superior dpad,
  5. The best device will be the Vita. So much you can do with it
  6. I don't know how they set Xbox for a home run, Sony actually has a lot going for it in terms of exclusives and we all know Microsoft will have none to be honest, would be dope as fuck if pc gets sony games day 1 too. One day, hopefully
  7. true, cows do lose exclusives but lets not act like playing games trough playstation now is as good of an option as playing it directly from your PC. Also PC still gets xbox games Day 1, playstation now doesn't.
  8. In terms of style, Series X has none, PS5 looks better. The problem is that unless you're going for a futuristic aesthetics you're kind of fuck with it being in your living room. Series X is just a black box, not ugly or beautiful, just place that sucka next to a speaker and it will blend in.
  9. It's not cows faults PC gets xbox games day 1. Can't call their game exclusives
  10. If Demon Souls comes out this year than that, if not, most likely cyberpunk.
  11. If we are talking Gamespot than most likely Cyberpunk, everywhere else TLOU2
  12. You should get this. I think it's the latest Alienware
  13. DC is crazy. He questions Sony at every turn even when they're showing actual gameplay while deepthroating the hell out of everything MS throws at him.
  14. I would say even 10 years from now. I can even see mobile devices eat more of the gaming pie by then.
  15. Within the next 15 years, one thing is inevitable and that's cloud gaming. Sony testing the water with PC releases is just a preemptive move towards that, same for gamepass.
  16. I think zoomers are into pc more than millenials. Most want to be streamers which is easier on PC. Plus all their adhd games are best on PC. PC is the future
  17. and what is a "Series X" game? I rather PS5 continue sony success with AAA games than XBOX barely AA $1 a month games
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