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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I've spent the last 2 years stating that Conservatives and Republicans have no issues or platform in here and every right winger said I was wrong. This is because they all listen to propagandist and reactionaries who spent all of this time using 'woke' as the cause to every single problem in existence. Ramza, Cucke, and Twincel only repeat social media bullshit without spending five seconds to think about it. The mindfuck part is that they're still doing their bot-minded bullshit and just repeating the same people's current hot takes in response to the Red Wave those same people told them was
  2. lmfao Please tell us about Biden being unfit to be President again. What's crazy is he claiming that he rigged an election as a flex? WTF?
  3. The kinks of not making money? No, he wont. YouTube isn't profitable and has like ten times the userbase. As big a tool as Twitter is, it doesnt have the reach of a Facebook or Instagram and never will. It isnt popular with younger people and doesn't have the ability to create content stars. It's funny how he and his weirdo fans acted like he was just gonna burn 44 bil so angry Trump fans can post racist bullshit and he didn't care about the money, and a week in he's just making a fool of himself and made Twitter's credibility plummet.
  4. Trump's goons are setting up a battle against McConnell. Let them fight!
  5. Lol you didn't 'predict' shit, stop lying already.
  6. It makes sense when you dont think about it...like everything he says lol.
  7. It's hard to understand why companies would be wary of Twitter under Musk.
  8. Of course you do, you can't have your mindset and acknowledge reality.
  9. I've read to school kids before. My girlfriend does 6 times a year. There are plenty of programs where people who are not qualified to teach kids volunteer at schools in non-teaching roles. Half of the places Ive worked have had something like this for people who want to do charitable work. I dated a girl once who was arrested for climbing a bridge and her sentence was teaching dance to kids. So are a lot of things people do, i'm sure you do and dont find a problem with. Better yet, show me all of the problems this has caused. I mean actually occurring problems and not
  10. You're literally quoting him contradicting himself and am like "Yeah, he's right." lmfao So you extend your delusional level of entitlement to your heroes as well.
  11. Here is what's tiring about you. I've pointed out several times that you act like queer/alternative people just being around kids is bad and you've spent the past month acting like that's an unreasonable mindset you never said that...yet here we are again with you saying this shit. Which I'm sure you'll deny sooner than later. How is that even sexual indoctrination? How many kids have been sexually confused by Mrs Doubtfire or hundreds of Tyler Perry movies.
  12. They are long so might as well start now. All of the reviews I've read have been good and call it a slow burn but I don't think it's that way at all. They have done that clever thing when writers break up the season with multiple arcs. It's at the 10th episode and they've had 3 major events happen already and 2 of the of those story closers were better than most season finales. Because Disney has been doing 6 episode seasons lately I legit thought the the season ended twice already.
  13. Lol This bitch trying to avoid stating what it would be.
  14. I'm not a bigot, but let me end with a bigoted rant. lmfao
  15. I highly recommend it. It's by the guy who did the Jason Bourne series. There's no jedi or sith shit that I admit I love but after 50 years we finally get some look at how the Empire works, why they are so bad, and how starting a rebellion means doing shady shit as well. The cast is amazing, the music is amazing, it looks amazing. The whole show has that late 70s sci-fi feel to it. They even change the opening theme each episode to sort of give you the feel of what's coming.
  16. Cooke really is the dumbest person on this site.
  17. I misunderstood how the new verified system works. It's far more sleazy than I expected, but also will make a lot of money. I had assumed they pay for verification method meant vetted profiles would have to pay to be verified, not anyone who pays 8 bucks is automatically verified. So exactly what he had a titty attack about this weekend could just happen in infinite ways. The badges dont even look different. There's just a hover feature and it's the bare minimum.
  18. It's so impressive how you see thru all of the lefts plans so easily. Lmfao
  19. OK, SO Andor is the best Star Wars media since Empire Strikes Back. It's on par with House of the Dragon.
  20. It's weird how everything with you guys is some sort of score keeping. Do you believe in anything?
  21. Lol 30 year old virgins upset that MAGAtards underperformed.
  22. Probably last week. It's definitely been recent. You're only saying it's past his sell date because of how poorly his hand picks candidates do in general elections. It's got nothing to do with his character or how he operates his office. In a big picture way, it's definitely connected to his bad decision making he's always had that you didn't mind before. Didn't you become a Republican for Trump and now you just want Republicans regardless of anything. I dont get people like you at all.
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