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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Between you and me, you are the one who claimed to be among the most persecuted group of people in North America. I have not. Stop projecting. As for Cooke, He willingly buys the worst versions of games, some he already has, just to give some pity sales to Nintendo. Which I'm sure cost more than a month or two of GP.
  2. Yes, the main board where people call each other stupid, fgt or retarded for liking different videogames. Take your bitch ass to Resetera then.
  3. You're nearly as dumb as he is so I see you're getting defensive.
  4. Let's not forget that cooke is also retarded.
  5. Witcher season 3 is pretty good. The episodes feel long for TV shows but in a good way. Pacing is far faster than expected but appreciated, even though I realized that I forgot much of season 2, so I didn't even remember 2 of the bad guy characters. I hate season splitting, so have to wait for part 2. It sucks that Cavill won't be returning, it's going to be too jarring for some other dude to just step in and lesser Hemsworth is definitely not that guy that can make people forget anyone else.
  6. It's great to see right wing shit heels getting shitted on during their grift. It's an added joy at just how terrible and stupid MAGA people are.
  7. Lol stupid idiot who falls for Proud Boys bullshit "shedding light" on the situation. Depsite the universal opinion that you're dumber than dirt, you still manage to find new lows. Bu but the Cuban American President. Lol
  8. He's actually going to be running to the right of Trump which is crazy and yet the center aisle people in here swear conservatives haven't gone further and further right wing.
  9. I was wondering what was happening. The rate system is fucking hilarious considering that Twitter basically counts any scrolled tweet as read. I hit a limit pretty quickly and genuinely read like 20 tweets or something. Twitter has been Gering functionally shittier since Musk took over and definitely in the the last 6 months. It's pretty noticeable on the mobile browser version.
  10. Lol yes ghostz is racist af, and he can barely read so lol at him complementing the writing. he did make a small point despite his insincerity. The director of the game or whatever pretending that a fucking Final Fantasy game has to adhere to reality is a joke. But like it's no secret Japanese creators don't really value black and brown characters and also have some weird obsession with turn-of-the century and middle ages Europe. It is what it is. Although it doesn't affect game quality and no game should lose review points for it, it's still pretty cringe.
  11. I disagree about Majors acting. I hope he isn't guilty but if it turns out he is, Marvel has no chose but to release him. He's really good at giving expressive performances. You get there is more going and he did a good job of capturing a Cali goon.
  12. Your dumb ass has no idea what they're doing to air quality, you're just talking out of your ass right now. It's not merely about global impact as much as the impact these ovens have on their neighborhoods. Outside of the most tourist spots, pizza shops are mostly in densely packed communities, it's not uncommon for their to be multiple pizza shops in the same block. Here you go with your pantented 5th grader logic, where you completely exaggerate (lie about) someone's stance while pulling the martyr act. You are honestly probably the worst pers
  13. Mr RFK can't be right wing, he is an environmentalist. But also fuck the environment when pizza is at stake. Lol having no moral consistency is your best character trait.
  14. Once it hit, that was it. It's like a bad episode of the WWF or something.
  15. Saw Creed 3 last night. Lol I am a fan of Micheal B Jordan but I can see what Sylvester Stallone didn't even want to see this. It's not that it's so bad, it's just so not as good as the previous ones and tbh 2 wasn't that great. Majors is great in this movie. He could have carried the movie too if Jordan didn't try like five times in this movie to win an Oscar or something. The plot is the least believable of every movie in the Rocky franchise.
  16. I was going to comment about you being purposely obtuse, then realized you're actually just unable to counter what my point because you're too dumb to see the bigger picture. This is why dog whistles work, people like you who are too stupid to realize they are being manipulated and clinging on to what farce you want to believe so you can think you are the good guy.
  17. Yeah, I know you think you're clever but we're at the point where anyone who isn't wearing a MAGA hat is considered a communist or marxist by your type. Like I'm WELL AWARE of how few Marxist and Communist there are in America. Notice you're not like "Why is the former President and a sitting Senator taking time out of their days to make videos rallying against Socialist and Communist traveling from state to state." It doesn't even seem off to you. lol Well we've been here before. Southern conservative MOTERHFUCKING GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS openly stating their political rivals aren't
  18. And supposedly "independent" types like Tim Pool began calling it silly and unnecessary. Now here in June of course we get two Floridian Republicans, One is Trump (the Republican front runner) The other is a former Gov and current Senator saying shit like this. We cant forget the second front runner DeSantis on top of all of this shit. It's like the fucking 60's again. Funny how leftist predictions more often than not come true, meahwhile Republicans are waiting for JFK Jr to come back to life, lizard aliens, vampires, Satan, think Trump is still President,
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