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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. Spicalicious


    It's hind legs are thicker than the man's body.
  2. Spicalicious


    damn lol Check out the cat's forearms compared to the guy's head.
  3. Spicalicious


    Maybe at the zoo when I was younger. Should go to the zoo next summer lol
  4. Spicalicious


    Maybe so, but a tiger would obviously destroy a jaguar at the current size.
  5. Spicalicious


    From what I've seen it looks like the tiger can be twice the weight.. holy shit. Wouldn't want to be face to face with either..
  6. Spicalicious


    That's if the jaguar has the same speed and agility while being larger or same size as a tiger.
  7. Spicalicious


    yeah google says jaguar. Would like to see a one on one jaguar vs tiger.
  8. Spicalicious


    Even more than a tiger? I know tiger's can typically beat lions.
  9. nah nah nah. My post has very good arguments and you're just covering your ears like that meme begging someone to make it stop. Oh Lemmings will make it stop alright, we are gonna bury your shitty console of choice and you will either stop gaming or die a gamerless old man where you "simply outgrew gaming".. No sir, gaming has and will outgrow you. The real world doesn't consist of gamers who act like SW fanboys like yourselves. It's filled with average people becoming interested in the gaming world and Microsoft will become the Pizza Hut of console fast food chains. You can't
  10. As soon as someone crosses out my text I know I've won the argument. Cheers.
  11. No for real. If you want the best performance for 99.999% of multiplats and you don't own a gaming pc then X is the best gaming experience at the moment. I also don't think MS would give up on the high end market and will continue to release high performance consoles in the future as well as weaker(light) devices for the average casual gamer since they will be able to make amazing games and scale them down using cloud technology and be more playable on the other lighter consoles. The best game makers will continue to make games with better graphics that will support onward to 8k
  12. Thank god Microsoft now sells the most exquisite and reliable hardware out there. The One X is a work of art.
  13. I bought another one because of RDR 2. I even traded an old launch PS4 I had lying around and a bunch of P4 games that were collecting dust. Buy brand new from MS and sell old used PS4 for some schmuck to buy and it won't count for Sony's sales and my purchase of the brand new X will. muahahahaha
  14. Eh no. X has the best controller.
  15. sheepkilla all up in dis bitch wit his opinions an shit.
  16. Hermstinks always trynna be cool like the Lemmings. Sorry, but Lemmings are up at the top of the food chain, then hermsmells, then sony pony's and then sheepettes. Lems never lose
  17. I enjoy Elite Dangerous but it's a slow game. Flying feels like kind of a simulation at first but you get used to it quickly enough. Get the docking computer at the start and just use that instead of manually landing the ship. It can be tough landing manually lol. Be a trader and make lots grinding whatever is profitable. Use this to plan trader routes. https://eddb.io/ For ships https://coriolis.edcd.io/
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