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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Legends had the environment puzzles but was quite different in animation - Lara was flipping off shit like an acrobat in those games. These days all her movements look lifted out of Uncharted
  2. Lmao this game just rips off Uncharted wholesale, just watching a minute of it. Same sorts of environmental puzzles and platforming, they even rip out little things like the rope running on the wall, the camera angles in chases and the staggering animations
  3. Lmao those animations getting in the boat at the start of this review No wonder these hacks were so traumatised seeing TLOU2 that they thought it must be fake
  4. Get what though? It’s a well constructed open world definitely, but I’m getting to a point where it is feeling very samey
  5. I haven’t finished it but been playing it for that last two weeks, still waiting to see whats GOAT about it
  6. What memorable locales? There are a couple of towns but It’s most empty fields with the same repetitive hoardes of enemies. Being open world and increasing traversal mechanics does not make it have better level design just like MGS5havibg more traversal options in an open world doesn’t give it better level design than its predecessors
  7. Fuck Nintendo sucks just show MP4 you tards labo
  8. You can hear the bitterness in his voice that he went with Xbox
  9. Candles, wine and a lubed up joy con
  10. He’s nervous. On the surface LowTCP looked calm and ready To drop bombs. But he but he keeps on forgetting How to format what he copies down, the whole SW goes so loud He copies his favourite lyrics down, but the words wont paste down He's choking, how? Everybody's joking now The clock's run out, time's up, over—blaow!
  11. We weren’t talking about any of that, you spun it into that because the scope of your education is based in Russian political propaganda and you can’t apply yourself to anything outside the usual talking points
  12. Ah sorry thought you might have some opinions on the actual issue, not just RT talking points
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