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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Oh man they are going to give GOTY to that shit aren't they
  2. Hersmells and lemmshits have been counting on this game for years to finally give them a gaming experience on the level of Sony and Nintendo's best No wonder they are melting down
  3. She gave Days Gone a 5 because the zombies are all white Shitty reviewer
  4. Paying 10-20 times as much as console gamers for less than half the GOTYs
  5. Nintendo steals from Ubisoft = so innovative! Ubisoft steals from Nintendo = piece of shit worst devs ever
  6. Yes some of the most competent devs in the industry with hundreds of people working on the projects and they cant get to grips with a box made up of off the shelf PC components
  7. Voidler

    Got one

    Welcome to next gen
  8. LMAO, it is magical. It is a fairy tale. No developer has said that dev kits or toolset have been an issue for them. Quite the opposite in fact. Its a coping mechanism you lemmings have made up for yourselves so you don't have to deal with reality And Xbox is not some bizarre and exotic gaming machine that requires extra time and patience. Its an off the shelf PC, its still using DX12. There is no huge learning curve, time to triangle is getting smaller than ever If it had extra capability over PS5 it would already be showing it. But it doesn't, it is in reality a weak
  9. Oh when is this magical role reversal going to happen?
  10. What a disaster for Xbox Fucking 9 months of shit talk about power and they have NOTHING to back it up. Get bitch smacked from pillar to post in every multiplat game
  11. Damn so it's just that easy and Xbox still has zero games and worse multiplats without a single game that comes even close visually?
  12. His films are objectively great, awesome directing and cinematography. I think he lacks a killer punch in his movies, the kind of scenes that make a movie really memorable Incendies had that, Blade runner and Arrival not so much Watch Incendies, it is incredible
  13. They were great but not quite as great as people make out He still hasn't surpassed Incendies IMO He is probably the perfect director for Dune with its mix of sci fi and Middle Eastern vibes
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