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Everything posted by Remij

  1. 30fps action games I can play Metro 4K 60 easily. I have the choice.. you don't. LOL Enjoy your 30fps FROMSOFT action game
  2. Nvidia are testing DLSS updates right now on Steam database for Metro. RTX - It's on
  3. Like I said.. I've played a fair amount of Wrecking Zone and some of the destruction I've seen has been fucking crazy. WAY better than anything in Red Faction.. LOL. Leave it to Rich and John, to just stand on top of a building and just shoot chunks off and say it's not impressive. Play the fucking game and fly around and go where the action is.. not just looking for each other and trying to get somewhere where they aren't being attacked so they can make their little video. They were focusing on making a video demonstrating the destruction, but forgot to play the game and be whe
  4. Shit man.. that sucks. Hope everything's all good.
  5. Yep. Metro has moments where honest to god I felt like I was seeing an early next gen game. Metro at it's absolute best, is better than RDR2 imo.. but Metro isn't at it's best all the time like RDR2 is. RDR2's animations and blending are just next level stuff. They're on that same plateau as Naughty Dog. But Metro doesn't hold up nearly as well. The performance capture isn't even close to the same level.. but the team really did an incredible job considering their size and not having access to the same caliber of tools that developers like Rockstar and Naughty Dog do. I can't
  6. Yea, they got some work to do for the next one, but I'm pretty faithful they'll do a great job with it. As for the Store, yea.. there's no way to check it as far as I know. They are bringing all that stuff to the client this year though. The biggest thing they need to get online right away is cloud saves though. lol
  7. Nintendo doesn't have the money to keep Monster Hunter off Playstation now. Those days ended with MHW.
  8. Those days are over. Nintendo will get unique Monster Hunter games, but they wont be mainline big budget games. No need to moneyhat what Capcom will undoubtedly decide to do themselves.
  9. That sucks. I'm still going to sub to prime for a month just to try it out, I think.
  10. It'll get better. It's early.. and the technology is only going to improve. If it was as you say (with regards to checkerboard rendering) everyone would be doing it in their games already... Also, I don't think checkerboard rendering will play nicely with ray-tracing.. so there's limitations as to just how few pixels you can actually render to get a desirable result when you already have to sample a certain amount of pixels to discover the values the remaining pixels should be. Both technologies have caveats. Checkerboard rendering has issues and artifacts, and also isn't tempor
  11. Yep I agree. Before I said that this was the best looking game, even over RDR2, but the fact is while it CAN be when it's at its best.. but it's far too inconsistent graphically to be considered the best overall. It's got way more issues that RDR2 simply doesn't have. Still a damn good looking game for a team of this size however. I also agree with you that for their next game they should hopefully be able to focus more on the artistic side of the graphics and put more resources into that than having to figure out everything as they go. If you look through the Metro
  12. It is a great game. And I mean that. I really like this style of game. I also like how they handle side missions and I can get lost for hours scavenging for anything. That said... I do have quite a few nitpicks about what I've played so far. It might seem like I'm hating everything, but I'm really not.. overall it's a really good game, and technically one of the most impressive games out there, despite it's flaws. The gfx, just like the game itself has problems.. just as most games do.. but here's some things I've noticed about the game: -There's some sp
  13. Oh I've considered that, and even said as much on the old forum. I think both MS and PG were at fault. PG probably wasn't being as resourceful as they should have been thinking that MS would just throw money at them, and Phil had the screws on him to trim the budget so instead of cancelling his own first party games and studios, he cut where he could elsewhere. But the rumors heard were that it would release, but not as a MS exclusive. Anyway, who knows? We may never find out... or Scalebound could be announced at E3 and we all are shocked and amazed. No sense in th
  14. Still though, Alanah heard just last June that Scalebound "would still come out".. Astral Chain has obviously been in development longer than that. The way she tells it is like as if the game is obviously Scalebound as we know it. Nobody would have called Astral Chain a Scalebound clone..
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