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Everything posted by Remij

  1. bu but I thought the DS5 was gonna be a split controller?
  2. Talks about Xbox selling out when the going got tough........ then admits that he tucked tail and ran when the going got tough. Yea, I realize you're crossing the point of no return... that's why I'm calling you out on it. It's a big step... because anything can happen in this business. Who would have thought MS would have fucked up so badly at the beginning of the gen that it cost them all the goodwill that they made with the 360? Who would have thought that before Dark Souls on PC that Japanese developers would start bringing their games in droves to PC? Who would have thou
  3. The idiocy of people in this thread hating on one of the greatest puzzle game types of all time... just because this one is currently a PS4 exclusive...
  4. bu but it's a good seconda--shut the fuck up You think you can speak all the shit you did about Sony and Playstation over the years and then try to wiggle your way in since Phil cast your worthless ass out of the lemfaction and was forced1 to expand their market reach to other devices? Get real. I've been seeing you talk more and more each day about how Sony is "at least doing this" and "they know exclusives matter" and now you're slowly putting more emphasis on just how good some of their stuff is... trying to slowly make the cross over so people don't call you out for your sh
  5. Stop trying to be a cow you faggot... you made your bed, now lie in it
  6. Yea, it's going to be great.
  7. No. It was a 2h Game Pass advertisement with some DLC sprinkled on. MS bought 2 more studios, In Exile Entertainment and Obsidian. Both could potentially do some good stuff, but we'll have to wait until next gen before anything surfaces anyway. No point in caring right now. They are growing their stable of developers though, which is good.
  8. Don't know yet because it's only available early on PC and Xbox One afaik. But surely worse still.
  9. The satisfaction this brings me is immeasurable
  10. What a dud Time to go play some Dragon Quest 11
  11. This entire thing has just been Game Pass. 16 games SIXTEEN ONE SIX lmao..
  12. You'll probably miss the studio announcements... but I wouldn't be expecting Platinum Games or anyone good to be announced at this stinker of a show
  13. It's been pretty terrible so far... and I'm not just saying that because MCC hasn't been announced
  14. Because this game has 91 million monthly active users..
  15. SSOD... And Halo will man. You're acting cocky... and it's GOING TO BITE YOU IN THE ASS
  16. Yea, because after seeing SSOD on the Korean ratings bored that prediction was just OUTLANDISH... and MCC... MS' staple franchise... a game PC gamers would actually want... which has been hinted at by Phil Spencer... is just OUTLANDISH... Fucking idiot
  17. Dynamite's getting cocky again because I figured this event would be different than just another inside xbox episode, and that MCC wont be announced for PC... but we all know what happened the last time he got cocky for me saying a game would come to PC which hadn't been announced yet..
  18. Dude, you're going to be owned. bu but don't hold your breath for SSOD you said MCC is coming
  19. I thought this relaunch of the event would be more similar to Playstation Experience... not another Inside Xbox
  20. It's only half over... And SSOD is confirmed.. idgaf if I see it here. MCC is coming as well... but will likely be an E3 thing... because this certainly isn't the caliber of show I thought it would be.
  21. It doesn't need to do anything but make MS money... relax.
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