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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea definitely better than their other smaller projects... but still not great. It's the animations that hurt them quite a bit. Still looks good though. I've watched a bit of it.. and I'm liking the two characters anyway.. so far.
  2. It's better... but some parts are still pretty fucked up with the loading. The shader compilation issues have been fixed at least. Speaking of this game... I finished it earlier today. Godly game overall. I'll make a post in the "what are you playing" thread giving my thoughts on it in greater detail.. because while it is awesome.. it's not perfect.. and it's not a "97 meta" worthy game either. But still
  3. But nah, if you're not playing anything the battery life is like anything else lol
  4. bubu the bestbuy has had stock for weeks Idiot, those Walmart consoles are ALL from 3rd party resellers Clown ROFL Durr PS5 is in stock too
  5. LMFAO he's desperately hanging on to some bot comment on a discord MS has stock... because they continually replenish stock Still not seeing any Series X in stock on their US website
  6. Yea, they're wacky and fun. I love Guybrush lol. This announcement makes me want to go back and play a bunch of LucasFilm adventure games again. I own about 10 or 15 of them.
  7. I agree with you in a general sense.. but, correct me if I'm wrong here as I don't know a single thing about the Triangle Strategy demo... but isn't it just the starting hours of the game? It doesn't seem like they went out of their way to select a particularly special section of the game to catch people's attention.. The problem with that however, is that the beginning of the game SHOULD be something that catches a person's attention and draw them into the story. Of course some games take time to build up and get going.. so that's always a thing to consider. Anyway,
  8. Monkey Island 3 (Curse of Monkey Island) was a great game as well.. but it actually wasn't developed by Ron Gilbert. However, he said that during development of the new game, they took care to make sure that it doesn't go out of canon. Let's GO
  9. The second game is great as well. They're both classics. You can get the Special Editions which can be played with both the classic graphics an a new HD style. They're great versions of the games. They're only on PC/PS3/360/IOS though. I'm sure this new game will release on every platform out there.
  10. I'm pretty sure they want to give people an idea of the story with their demo.... You're the only person I've heard refer to this as a specifically "gameplay" oriented demo. I mean... all of your progress carries over if you buy the game. It's meant to start gamers off on their "Triangle Strategy" journey...
  11. Absolutely fucking incredible. A sequel to Secret of Monkey Island, and Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge. Created by Ron Gilbert.. and Dominic Armato back as Guybrush https://returntomonkeyisland.com/
  12. Well, I'm essentially right at the end of the game. I've just got Mohg to defeat from the optional bosses since I apparently missed a gateway to him up in the Consecrated Snowfield. Gonna go wrap him up and then work on finding all the shit I need for all the weapons, talismans, ashen remains, and spells that I need for those fucking trophies. Then I'm going to make a backup of my save to get all 3 endings Honestly... this game has been incredible overall. There's some issues... but this is quite the accomplishment for FROMSOFT imo. The scale of this game is absur
  13. Bubu they're still in stock because they're not selling
  14. We'll see about that. They have a LONG way to go yet.... BUT... you can definitely see the play here. They really have done some black magic fuckery with Proton.. Steam Deck is the perfect vehicle to accelerate SteamOS development. Valve are also experts at crowdsourcing data.. their userbase is incredible at providing that data too. They community is all too eager to help Valve bring this thing to the next level. They're building SteamOS out, and they'll keep working away on compatibility and features over time.. Then if they could convince developers to switch over
  15. Yeah it was awesome.. I really enjoyed Hivebusters.
  16. It's crazy because I mean.. at the core of it.. you just have to make a solid game featuring Master Chief and fans will eat it up.. The MP is good at its core.. They're just fucking up all the stupid shit that a company like MS should easily excel in.. The game was obviously NEVER even going to come close to releasing for the Series X launch.. It's just another example of MS mismanaging their studios. Yea, no shit the fans are out of patience... 1.5 years+ after the game was originally supposed to come out.. and we still don't have co-op... There's been no new map releases...
  17. Yep. I don't know why Jehurey is so convinced that I have a PS5.. like as if I wouldn't just say so if I did... Unlike him though I don't buy shit just to attempt to have credibility on the subject LOL And yea, there's some stunning looking games. Gears looks incredible at times, and Forza Horizon... well, that game looks incredible too. (not my pics)
  18. I know I did... and I've said they botched it since before it launched. I've actually been pretty critical of this game. Since the delay, I've been calling it out. It really SHOULD have been the 2nd coming of Halo. But they botched it. It launched to an eager fanbase... but their post launch support and server tech issues was something I certainly didn't expect. I dunno what else I can do besides agree that they fucked it up. It should have been an easy launch.. and should have been a marquee Series X title for launch.. but yea.. it be what it do.
  19. That was before they continued not supporting the game... Like as if I'm supposed to know they'll do fuck all for 5 months Why you on my ass when I'm here admitting they dropped the ball hard? I did much earlier as well... when they took their Christmas vacations right after releasing the game...
  20. Not really... I played the game and enjoyed it. Being owned is BOTW2 getting delayed till next year despite your hopes and dreams that it would release this year bubu now allz we need is anothur Mario and iz 2017 all ova again!
  21. I'm at 147, and I feel vastly overleveled for all the shit I'm doing now Just beat Melania, and now doing some more side-quest stuff.
  22. That doesn't change anything. She still only cares about optics. And yea, we know.
  23. Or any technology that gets upgraded annually/bi-annually.
  24. You're full of shit. You try to side-step every single time.. "Bubub show me your youtube history! " Instantly showed you my history which proved your little pathetic desperate theory WRONG And I never said PS5 was readily in stock... I said I know someone who could get one quickly... and they can do that because they can put me right at the front of the line to get one. Liehurey losing his shit again because I actively turn down PS5s because I don't give a flying fuck about that shitty system
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