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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No... you were the one that said we're both guilty... LOL If we are... then we should be banned. That's me being fair and partial for the betterment of this forum. Soooo butthurt eh... that I'm ok with being banned
  2. The butthurt people are the ones who bit the bait and started talking about me like you
  3. Nah. The forum can reap what it sows
  4. I didn't complain. Sweetie... it was OTHER people who asked you to be banned in this thread... I'm simply saying that if it takes me being banned for them to ban you... since you admitted that we're equally to blame... then I'm fine with it happening.
  5. Nope. You've came into this thread with the intention to jerry-go-round it and just talk about me. There's a reason why people in this very thread have called on them to ban YOU specifically. Do you understand that? You. Specifically. But hey, @-GD-X, since Jehurey is admitting we're both responsible for him derailing and fucking up threads... I'm totally good with you banning both of us permanently from this site period. So that the others don't have to deal with it.
  6. So uh, are you done talking about me? Or is this going to go on all night?
  7. So yes, you are fucking stupid and UC4 is still coming to PC.... and an ENTIRE SLATE of others
  8. This is a hilarious thread, how can I be angry? UC4 is coming to PC and I made a thread about it and you turned it into being about me and what games I've played.. lmfao The ENTIRE FORUM knew that was going to happen though....
  9. I already proved to you that I have in this thread... are you fucking stupid?
  10. The ones who turned into defensive bitches... you.. Dike, and Dumblita And I've been laughing at you this entire time for thinking I haven't played this game. Like I said... myself and others were discussing the game on Sidescrollers.net and you chimed in that you borrowed a friends PS4 to play it... because you still hadn't bought a PS4 We all remember that.... and you certainly weren't laughing about that... you were quite mad. You said the people who bought PS4's before the Pro launched were suckers and they you know the PRO was going to be a thing.... lmfao.
  11. PlayStation’s studios boss said today that releasing its biggest games only on PS5 would be “frankly not very good business” Indeed
  12. God of War 2 and GT7 confirmed coming to PS4 Where it makes sense to develop a title for both PS4 and PS5 — for Horizon Forbidden West, the next God of War, GT7 — we’ll continue looking at that. And if PS4 owners want to play that game, then they can. If they want to go on and play the PS5 version, that game will be there https://blog.playstation.com/2021/06/02/hermen-hulst-qa-whats-next-for-playstation-studios/#sf246401757 Lmfao... but but generations and hard breaks Sony outright fucking LIED to you clowns LOL I told a couple of y
  13. Thanks for admitting you came into this thread butthurt. That's why everyone else laughed... and you got defensive You can REALLY tell who the butthurt bitches are on this forum by this thread
  14. Delita your accounta pleasea
  15. Read this again: LMFAO... now go play some 2016's Ratchet in Clank... in 2021. Go.. run along now little hypocrite
  16. I don't need to post a PSN profile to prove I've played PS4 games since 2014...... lmfao
  17. Yes I have... and you know it. In fact... when the rest of us were discussing UC4 on Sidescrollers.net, I was making fun of you back in 2016 for not owning a PS4.. and for borrowing your "friends ps4" to play the game... ROFL And I hope you enjoy Ratchet and Clank 2016.... since you're just playing it now for the first time in 2021... Jehypocrite LOL (and lets be real.. wont finish it... just like you didn't God of War... or TLOU2... or Shadow of the Colossus... or....)
  18. Sure I have. Even if your claim was true... which it isn't... I've played PS4 games... on PC I've played PS4 games... more recently than you in fact. And you're JUST getting around to Ratchet and Clank (1 trophy) PS4.... right now... that's a 2016 game
  19. If PS games come to PC 2-3 years later.... you and I might get around to playing them at the same time
  20. They're coming as well. ❤️
  21. I forgot Sony games come with expiration dates Whatever helps you sleep at night
  22. (Play this track and then slowly scroll down)
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