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Everything posted by DynamiteCop

  1. It's run through video editing software for sure, added motion blur, quick zooms etc.
  2. It's not that weird if you think about it. They've experienced the exact same things since they were born. They developed together mentally, they know the nuance in the way they speak and can recognize where the other is going with it.
  3. Bastardization of a product as it was created. Times haven't changed, there's just a bunch of pussies in existence right now.
  4. There are so many inaccuracies in this post, also are you trying to make fun of me for dancing? Are you 12 years old? The irony of some fat unemployed slop like you trying to poke fun at someone for an enjoyable and physically beneficial activity.
  5. I work 50 to 60 hours a week, I highly discriminate with my time. Again, why are you even attacking people for not playing games who do play games when you yourself don't play games? It's incredibly bizarre.
  6. Your post makes zero sense. Also, you're retarded.
  7. I have a PS4 Pro and a Series X... Switch I play on PC if I feel the need... Like I said you're retarded.
  8. People are losers for wanting to play a game? That explains why you have such a negative view of playing games and don't play any at all.
  9. First off I was playing games all weekend on my PC. Secondly I only have like 28 consoles ya know, so you're just retarded. You had to be forced into playing a game on your PlayStation 5 and you haven't played anything on your PC since May. That's over 5 months ago.
  10. People will have this game running on the Vive and Index probably by the end of the weekend
  11. You haven't played anything on your PC since May, and the last thing you even touched on there was 3dmark
  12. You don't even play Sony games on a Sony console, you really think anybody believes that you'll actually touch this game on the PC that you also don't use LOL
  13. I put off playing this for a reason, welcome back to PC Sony. Ultrawide at 165hz
  14. You're going to be pretty disappointed, Intergrade only pushed out their exclusivity deal for 6 months. It can go anywhere now, it's being ported as we speak.
  15. The only narrative at play here is trying to portray a large growth figure of 37% as worrying. You guys are fake news.
  16. You don't even know how their internal target was derived, and it doesn't matter either way. You've got Sony losing 10 million subs for PS+ and it's brushed off but Microsoft gaining millions for their game sub service and it's somehow worrying. You guys are lunatics.
  17. That you guys are idiots, and he's correct. Without the context of their internal projection (however created) a 37% growth is phenomenal.
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